05广东 unit 11 What do you think of games shows课件.ppt

05广东 unit 11 What do you think of games shows课件.ppt

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05广东 unit 11 What do you think of games shows课件

Do you like movies? What’s cool? A survey: What do you think of ….? What do you think of thrillers/comedies/…? How about you? Writing a report 在班级内调查中央电视台节目的收视率 Ss discuss in four, by using : 1) What do you think of …? Why? 2) Do you like …? Why? 3) How about …? 选出最受本组欢迎的CCTV programs,最后在全班排出前三位的电视节目 S4 S3 S2 S1 Lucky52 Animal World Chinese Cooking Culture China Healthy Living Sports News Tell it like it is 4 1.Write your report. 2.搜索自己喜欢的电视节目的相关资料(包括电视栏目,主持人,图片等). 一、填空 My grandfather likes wearing fashion clothes. He______ what young people (认为)him. 2. The old men rock music. They think it’s too noisy. 3. Her sister soap opera. That’s her favorite. 4. I to go shopping with Mother. It’s crowded in the store. 二、中译英: 1、你认为这条裙怎么样? 我无法忍受它的颜色。 2、你妈妈喜欢访谈节目吗?非常喜欢,因为她认为它们很有趣。 doesn’t mind think of can’t stand loves don’t like What do you think of this skirt? I can’t stand its color. Does your mother like talk shows? Yes, she does. She thinks they’re interesting. 句型转换。 1.She loves soap operas.(变成一般疑问句,并作否定回答) 2.Sally went to bed early last night.(变成否定句) 3.Dick doesnt mind talk show.(变成 What 引导的问句) 4.Ricks mother loves sitcoms.(变成否定句) 5.I wear colorful clothes because I want to be young and beautiful. (就划线部分提问) Does she love soap operas ? No , she doesn’t . Sally didn’t go to bed early last night . What does Dick think of talk show ? Ricks mother doesn’t love sitcoms. Why do you wear colorful clothes ? Unit1 1what do you think of game shows? Section B / belt / / sQn ^lB:siz/ / hZE clip / key ring wallet necklace / 5neklIs / / 5wClit / 皮夹, 钱夹, 钓鱼带 项链 / riN / ring scarf / skB:f / hair


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