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volume 4 lesson 1

Lesson 1 Finding fossil man Vocabulary 1.fossil man title 化石人 2.recount v.叙述 例句:He recounted how he had shot the lion. 他讲述他射死那只狮子的经过. 3.saga n.英雄故事 4.legend n.传说,传奇 5.migration n.迁移,移居 例句:Some people believe human agency is the efficient factor in the migration of some species of wild plants. 一些人认为人作为媒介是一些野生植物物种迁移的直接原因。 Species ,Species [pl.]---- a set of animals or plants in which the members have similar characteristics with each other and can breed with each other e.g.Mountain gorillas are an endangered species. Over a hundred species of insects are found in this area. 6.anthropologist n.人类学家 e.g.An anthropologist wrote a treatise [‘tri:tis] 专题著作, 专题论文, 专著 7.archaeologist n.考古学家 例句:The archaeologist found a jade dress in a Han Dynasty tomb. 考古人员在一座汉墓中发现一件金缕玉衣。 8.ancestor n.祖先 例句:Our ancestors trod this same path. 我们的祖先曾经走过这同一条道路。 Tread vi.vt. trod, trod/trodden vi. 1.踩, 踏 He accidentally trod on her foot.他不小心踩了她的脚。 及物动词vt. 1.踩成, 踏出 Cattle had trod a path to the pond.牛踩出了一条通向池塘的路。2.步行于, 在…上走 Every day he trod the same path through the woods.他每天沿同一条路走过森林。3.踩 烂 , 践踏 He trod the golden beetle underfoot.他把一只金色的甲虫踩在脚下。The people have been trod/trodden down for too long.人民受践踏的时间太久了。 p?l?’ni:??n ]adj.波利尼西亚(中太平洋之一群岛)的 10.Indonesia [,?nd?’ni??] n.印度尼西亚 11.flint [c.u.]n.燧石 12.rot v. rotted,rotted ---- to cause to decay烂掉 例句:The hospital is so rotted that its beyond repair. 这所医院已破败得无法修缮了。 Some of rubbish rot away over a long time. 有些垃圾时间久了就烂掉了。 区别:rotten adj. 1.腐烂的; 腐朽的;腐败的 The smell of the rotten meat was enough!这腐臭的肉闻一下就够人受的了! 2.道德败坏的 The mans morals are rotten to the core. 那个人道德败坏至极。 3.极坏的; 极讨厌的 Shes a rotten cook. 她做的饭很差劲。 The book was pretty rotten. 这本书糟透了。 1.We can read of things that happened 5,000 years ago in the Near East, where people first learned to write. 参考翻译:我们从书籍中可读到5,000 年前近东发生的事情,那里的人最早学会了写字。 讲解:read of读到,看到,阅悉 where是定语从句,修饰in the Near East. the first to do sth第一个做某事的人。 2.The only way that they can preserve their history is to recount it as


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