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盾构机刀具配置方式研究 摘 要:盾构机刀具配置是盾构机刀具设计管理中的重要内容,本文着重介绍盾构机刀具的主要种类和其进行工作的原理,同时针对不同地质层的情况,提出刀具的配置的差异与不同,并且针对盾构机在复合地层中进行隧道掘进是,刀具配置使用的问题。 Abstract: the shield machine tool configuration is an important content of shield machine cutter design management, this paper focuses on the main types of shield machine cutter and the principle of work, at the same time according to different geological layers, puts forward tool configuration difference and different, and in view of shield machine in complex strata in tunneling, the tool used in configuration problem. 关键词:刀具配置,地质层 ,盾构机 Keywords: tool configuration, geological layer, the shield machine 一、概述 One, overview    盾构机刀具的配置是在盾构机刀具设计当中非常重要的内容,其的详细配置关系到其符合使用的地址条件和要求,而且针对不同的盾构机的地质,其的使用寿命.切削的效果.出土的状况和掘进的速度和效果.施工的进度和要求都会受到直接的影响。 Shield machine cutter configuration is very important in the shield machine cutter design content, its detailed configuration in relation to the address conditions and requires the use of shield machine, and according to the different geological, its service life . The cutting effect. The speed and effect of the condition and the excavation unearthed. The construction progress and requirements will be directly affected. 二、刀具种类和切削原理 Two, type of cutting tools and cutting principle 1.刀具的种类 1 kinds of cutting tool 盾构机刀具是根据工程地段硬岩.软岩的不同强度和地质特点,根据刀具在软.硬岩中不同的破岩机理来进行设计和选择的。刀盘上可以安装不同类型的刀具以适应不同地层的开挖,主要刀具类型为:双刃滚刀.中心滚刀.齿刀.切刀.弧形刮刀和仿形刀。其中滚刀和齿刀的刀座形式相同,根据不同的地质类型两种刀具可以互换。在硬岩中掘进时刀盘需安装双刃滚刀.中心刀,在软岩中掘进时可以根据需要把双刃滚刀.中心刀更换为对应形式的齿刀。 According to the engineering section of shield machine cutter is hard rock. Different strength and geological characteristics of soft rock, the cutting tool in the soft. The rock breaking mechanism of different hard rock for design and selection. Tool installation of different types can be on the cutterhead excavation to adapt to different strata, the main tool of type: Double-edged hob hob. Center. Cutter. Cutter. The arc blade and a profiling knife. The hob and gear cutter seat form is the same, according t


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