B 7,U 1 Living well Reading 1课件.pptVIP

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张海迪 五岁时因患脊髓血管瘤, 高位截瘫 The purpose of the website: 1. To give ordinary young people with a disability the chance to share their stories with others. 2. To inspire other disabled people. 3. To get non-disabled people to understand more about how challenging life can be for people with disabilities. An introduction to Marty and his muscle disease. How his disability developed. Homework 1.Retell Marty’s story according to the mini text. 2. Learn the key words and expressions by heart. 6). Which of the following is false? Although there are a few students who look down upon him, Marty never gets annoyed. B. Marty leads a meaningful life and does not feel sorry for being disabled. C. Marty only spends time with his pets and never with his friends. D. Marty disability has made him more independent. C. 7). What is the tone of the text? A. sad. B. happy. C. positive. D. negative. C 根据课文内容用合适的单词填空。   Marty Fielding suffered from muscle ______ when he was 10, which sometimes made him ______ and drop things or bump into furniture. disease clumsy The doctors don’t know exactly what is wrong with him, so they don’t know ___ to make him better. But he has to learn to _____ to his disability. When some people cannot accept him for who he is, he doesn’t get _______ . He just ______ them. how adapt annoyed ignores All __all, he has a good life. His ________is to work in the computer industry when he grows up. He has a very happy life and doesn’t have time to sit around ______ sorry for himself. He is ______to have found many things he can do really well.  in ambition feeling happy In many ways his disability has made him grow stronger and more ___________. He has had to work hard to live a _______ life, but it has been _____ it. From him, we can learn more: Just having a________ doesn’t mean your life is not ________. independent normal  worth disability satisfying * * Book7 Unit 1 Living well MARTY’S STORY Reading How man


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