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Key to Unit 7 Text A 课前预习 Directions: Read the text and find out the English versions for the following expressions. 1. explore animal intelligence 探索动物智能(Para. 1, L.4) 2. serve one’s own purpose 为某人所用(Para. 1, L.6) 3. give sb. a blank stare 向......翻白眼 Para 3, L.5) 4. at this point 就在这时 Para. 3, L.6) 5. trade A for B 以A换B Para 5, L.1) 6. undertake a study 进行......一项研究 Para. 5, L.3) 7. figure out 发现; 推断出 Para. 5, L.5) 8. extend far beyond 远远超出 Para. 5, L.8) 9. use A as B 把A作为B使用 Para. 5, L.9) 10. expand the supply 扩大供应量 Para. 5, L.9) 11. virtuous habits 好习惯 Para. 6, L.1) 12. catch up with 遇到;赶上 Para. 6, L.2) 13. cooperate with... 与......合作 Para. 7, L.1) 14. assess a situation 审时度势 Para. 8, L.3) 15. base on 以......为根据 Para. 8, L.4) 16. emergency care 紧急护理 Para. 9, L.4) 17. hold out one’s hand 伸出手来 Para. 11, L.6) 18. look ... in the eye 盯着......看 Para. 12, L.2) 19. wipe out... 使......灭绝 Para. 13, L.5) 20. limited horizon 有限的视野 Para. 13, L.7) 巩固应用 I. Directions: Now you’ve learned Text A in detail. Let’s check how much you’ve learned from it! Please translate the Chinese expressions in the following sentences into English. Be sure you use expressions from the text. 1. If animals can think, they will probably do their best thinking when it serves their own purpose 能为自 所用的时候 , not when scientists ask them to. (Para. 1, L.) 2. Jendry offered Colo some peanuts, only to be met with a blank stare 结果却被翻了个白眼). Para, L.5 3. Sizing up the reaction of the audience (对观众的反应做出估计后), he made some changes in his speech. Para, L.1) 4. The HR manager thinks highly of employees’ ability to cooperate with each other 员工相互合作的能力 . Para L.1) 5. Not until he assessed a situ ation 直到审时度势后 , did he make any decision. Para, L.3) II. Language Focus Ex. I. Translate the following English expressions into Chinese and Chinese into English. 1. maintain its position as market leader 保持市场领导者的位置 (P.191, I-2-4) 2. only to 适应改变(P.190, I-1-4) 3. broaden one’s horizon 拓宽视


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