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Unit 7 SectionB学案 一知识点:学会用where和when等关系副词引导的定语从句; 二请用关系代词which,that,who,whom及where和when完成下列定语从句. 1)They are talking about a movie______Ive never watched. 2 The tall boy with______we are chatting is our neighbor. 3 Have you found some information about language______can? be ? used in our study. 4 They visited Wudang Mount______there are some monkeys. 5 They visited Wudang Mount______lies in Hubei province. 6 He is the only student_____climbs up the top of the mountain. 7 The factory is the one_____my father opened last year. 8 She is the best-known singer_____can play different kinds of music. 9 The house in _____we live now is big and bright. 10 The day _____we enjoyed ourselves is on his birthday party. 11 I would like to visit somewhere _____I can swim. 12 I prefer to visit a place _____the weather is always warm. 13 I like living in one place _____is peaceful and comfotable. 14 Wed like to visit Kunming _____the weather is warm in winter. 15 Its the most interesting film_____Ive seen over the years. 三.汉译英 1)想做某事_______________或_______________ 2)徒步穿越丛林________? _______the_________ 3)对……友好 be________? ________sb 4 希望某人去做__________________ 5 希望某人去做__________________ 6 让人放松的某个地方_____________________ 7 考虑做某事__________________ 8 ……之首都________________ 9 例如______________ 10 乘出租车___________或____________ 11 通常,一般而言________________ 12)应该 _____________ 或_____________ 13)云南有大量精彩迷人风景Yunnan Province has lots of ________ ___________ 14)把……翻译成……_______________ 15)我还能为你做点什么_______? ______can I do for you? 16)你不应该在学校抽烟You ______? _______? smoke at school.  17)你能将该句翻译成英语吗Can you _______this sentence ______ English? 18)她是一个相当美丽的女孩She is _______ ______ ______girl. 19)总体来看,你的建议还相当不错______? ______,your suggestion is ______good. 20)那个女孩正考虑去购物The girl is _______ ________. 四 根据句意及首字母完成单词 1 Id like to trek t_______the jungle in Brizail. 2 Ill pack l_______clothes because its very hot in Singapo. 3 I hope you can p______me with some information about traveling. 4 I love to do many things, e_


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