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滕南中学八年级英语 Unit4 He said I was hard-working? Section B 讲学案 主备人:孙瑞芳 俞艳 审核人:杜洪 使用人: 日期: 情景导入 明确目标: 学习目标\ 1.重点词汇、词组:Work on:SB Page 29, 1a. 1.Look at the pictures. Please say something about the pictures. 2.Read the sentences and explain the new words . 3.Check the sentences that are true for you. (二)1b Pairwork. Talk about your answers with your deskmates. 探究活动二听力练习:完成课本上的2a,2b. 1.Read the things in the chart below .They will help the Ss to guess what you will heard . Listen and fill in the speech bubbles. 2.Play the recording the first time .Ss only listen . 3.Play the recording a second time . Fill in the speech bubbles. 4.Listen again . Find out which is Scott’s report card. 5.Play the tape again and correct the answers . Pole play. Choose a report card from activity 2b and make similar conversation like this: A: What did your math teacher say B: He said I was hard-working. 探究活动三 3a 一 Scan Alan’s letter and find Alan’s report card in activity 2b on Page 29. (二).重点难点分析:’s it going? 一切都好吗? 这是一个常用的问候语,多用于信的开头,表示“一切都好吗?”或“近况如何?”等,也可以说成”How is everything going on/along ?”例如: How is it going, Dad? How is everthing going, Dad? 一切都好吗爸爸? 2. I always get nervous when I see the envelope from school in the mail, but luckily I did OK this time.当我看到学校邮寄来的信时,我总是紧张,但是很幸运,这次我表现不错。 (1)get nervous“感到紧张/不安”,还可以用be nervous或者feel nervous.例如:Don’t be nervous. Try to relax yourself.不要紧张,尽量放松自己。 (2)do OK表现的好/干得好。例如: He does OK in drawing. 他画的好。 3. She said I was lazy, which isn’t true.她说我懒那不正确。 这时一个含有定语从句的主从复合句,which isn’t true是定语从句。不过这是个非限制性定语从句,which是关系代词,它指代的是I was lazy整个句子的内容。此处注意理解即可。例如: He failed again in the exam, which disappointed his parents. 他考试又没及格,这让父母失望。 4. It’s just that I find science really difficult.只不过我发现自然科学真的很难。 (1)It’s just that…意为“这只是(因为)…”,其中that引出一种原因。 (2)find+宾语+adj.表示“发现…怎么样”。 I find Jack very brave.我发现杰克很勇敢。 5. …that’s about all the news I have for now. ……目前我就有这么多消息。 (1)句中I have for now 为定语从句,所修饰的先行词是the news。 由于者一先行词在定语从句中充当动词have的宾语,所以关系代词可


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