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教 师 司晓娜 学 生 张旻晗 上课时间 2014/ 1 /22 学 科 英语 年 级 初一 课题名称 Unit 3 A visit to Garden City Unit 3 A visit to Garden City 【知识点梳理】 1. a visit to Garden City 参观花园市 这里的 visit 是名词 visit Garden City 参观花园市 这里的 visit 是词 They paid a visit to Shanghai Museum last week. 他上周参观了上海博物馆。 They visited Shanghai Museum last week. 2. the Li family 李家 3. teach maths in a school 在一个学校教数学 The person who teaches maths in our school is Miss Guo.那个在我们学校教数学的是郭小姐。 Miss Guo teaches us maths in our school 郭小姐教我们数学。 4. be an architect( an engineer ) work as an architect (an engineer )担任(建筑师)工程师一职 He has been an architect for 4 years. 他担任建筑师已经4年了。 He has worked as an architect for 4 years. 5. quite a few (years) 好几(年) 跟可数名词 He has made quite a few friends since he came here.自从他来到这里已经交了好几个朋友了。 quite a little (news ) 好些新闻 跟不可数名词 He has collected quite a little useful news since he surfed the net. 自从他上网以来,已经收集了好多有用的信息了。 6. for 12 years 12年 for several years 好几年 since 12 years ago 自从12年起 since several years ago 好几年前起 7. draw plans of buildings 画建筑图 8. design machines 设计机器 9.deliver letters 送信 10. train someone in sport 在体育方面训练某人 11. drive a bus 开车 12. be in charge of a school 负责主管一个学校 be in the charge of a school 由。。。负责主管一个学校 例: Mr Gu is in charge of our class. 谷老师负责管理我们班级。 Our class is in the charge of Mr Gu. 我们班级由谷老师负责管理。 13. shop with sb. 跟某人一起购物 这里的 是个动词。 I usually shop with my mum at the shopping mall on Sundays. 我经常在周日和妈妈去购物中心买东西。 I usually do some shopping with my mum at the shopping mall on Sundays. 14. tell the time 告知时间 The child is old enough to tell the time. 这个小孩已经能认识钟了。 15. hold the keys 拴住钥匙 16. take the cable car 乘缆车 17. on the top of the hill 在小山顶上 We enjoy the nice views on the top of the hill. 我们从山顶欣赏美丽的景色。 18. carry people up a hill 把人带到山上 19. have a good time 玩得高兴 和enjoy oneself 同意 The children had a good time at the beach last weekend. 上周末孩子们在海滩上玩得高兴。 The children enjo


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