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泰山医学院本科毕业设计(论文) PAGE  论文原创性保证书 我保证所提交的论文都是自己独立完成,如有抄袭、剽窃、雷同等现象,愿承担相应后果,接受学校的处理。 专业: 生物医学工程 班级: 2009级本科1班 签名: 年 月 日 摘要 目的:鉴于我国医疗资源紧缺,优势资源较为集中,为了让优势资源得到更好的应用和传播,让更多的医疗人员得到更好的继续教育,Telehix医学远程教学及会诊系统为医务人员提供了一个良好的平台。 方法:本文阐述了Telehix医学远程教学及会诊系统的研究与测试在医学继续教育中的重要作用,分析了测试该系统所用的主要测试工具LoadRunner的脚本录制、脚本调试、负载测试流程、测试结果分析,以及Tunnelier、Adobe Flash Media Live Encoder等辅助测试工具的工作过程。从而确定系统性能瓶颈及最佳参数,实现优化和完善该系统的目的。 结论:通过LoadRunner性能测试工具及部分辅助测试工具对Telehix医学远程教学及会诊系统进行有效的研究和测试。精确的评估出软件的性能瓶颈,并对影响软件运行效率的问题进行快速定位,找出该系统性功能方面的优缺点及网站的Bug,从而选择最佳参数对网站进行优化与管理,最终使Telehix医学远程教学及会诊系统得到高效、稳定的运行。 关键词:远程教学;远程诊断;loadRunner性能测试 Abstract Objective: Making use of limited resource in medical teaching is important for staffs engaging in medical work in our county. The Telehix system of medical distance teaching and teleconsultation offers a better platform for learning and diagnosis of medical staffs. Method: The Telehix system of medical distance teaching and teleconsultation is crucial in the field of medical education. In order to make the system excellent, LoadRunner of test tool is mainly analyzed in this article. It includes not only the recording process of scripts, debugging, the load test and the analyzing of results, but also the working process that Tunnelier and Adobe Flash Media Live Encoder . Conclusion: we can do the efficient researches and tests on the Telehix system of medical distance teaching and teleconsultation by the tools of LoadRunner and aids . So we can get the performance of the software exactly, and find out the problems which have an impact on the efficient of the software. Then, we can find out the advantages and disadvantages and the website’s Bug. Eventually, we select the the optimal parameter to optimize and administer the website, so the Telehix system of medical distance teaching and teleconsultation can move efficiently and steadily. Keywords: distance teaching ; teleconsultation ; LoadRunner  HYPERLINK a


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