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摘要 “博客”(blog)是继IM、Email、BBS之后出现的一种新的网络交流方式,也称为网络博文等, ABSTRACT Blog (blog) Following IM, Email, BBS, network communication occur after the fourth, blog, also translated as network Bowen, blogs or Tribal Court, personal Internet age Readers Digestblog hyperlink weapons, represents a new way of life and a new way of working, but also represent a new way of learning. Today, the intense competition in the major portal blog site, a lot of blog provides a variety of templates and other functions, in order to attract the user base, which makes it different blog has its own characteristics. My blog system main achievement of the following basic functions: The background system: a) add a new blog Notably through the the fckeditor component implements the add blog function. b) blogs management including blogs’ modify and delete functions. c) blog Category including classified add, modify, delete, etc.. d) Comments including Comments modify, delete, and so on. e) Personal Information Management Including the account password changes and system launch function. System front desk: Since the system is a single-user blog system, front office functions only users access to some of the basic features. a) read the blog and comments. b) the corresponding comments. More than enough to prove that in the future the blog will a useful space for development, which is my power to developed the independent blog. Keywords:blog; 目录 摘要 ii ABSTRACT iii 绪 论 7 1.1 博客(blog)系统的开发背景 7 1.2 博客的现状与特点 8 1.3博客发展趋 9 1.4课题研究的意义 9 1.5 系统设计目标分析 10 2 基本技术方案 11 2.1 JSP中的各种技术 11 2.1.1 JSP概述 11 2.1.2 Servlet概述 12 2.1.3 JavaBean概述 12 2.2 基于B/S的WEB应用体系结构 13 2.2.1 传统的两层体系结构 13 2.2.2 三层体系结构 14 2.2.3 JSP网站开发模式 14 2.3 MyEclipse简介 15 2.4 Tomcat简介 16 2.5 MySQL简介 16 2.6 MVC设计模式 16 3 系统分析与总体设计 18 3.1用户需求分析 18 3.2 数据分析 19 3.3 系统流程 20 3.4 功能模块划分 22 3.5功能模块设计 23 3.5.1博客后台登录管理模块 23 3.5.2博文页面显示模块 24 3.5.3博文分类模块 24 3.5.4博文评论模块 24 4 系统分析设计 25 4.1数据库分析 25 4.1.1数据库设计E-R图 25 4.2 系统数据表设计 27 4.3数据连接 29 4.3.1Dbutils简介 30 5


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