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华中科技大学电子与信息工程系 2013年TI杯电子设计大赛项目总结报告 项目名称: 基于MSP430F5529的智能小车设计 团队成员: 通信工程 通信工程 通信工程 指导教师: 2013 年 7 月 3 日 课题名称:【摘要】 本次课程设计以MSP430,【关键词】: Abstract This curriculum project uses MSP430F5529, in the series of MSP430 ultra low power single chip microcomputer, as its main controller. In addition, the realization of the controller’s function can not leave motor, battery, sensing control template and so on, for example, free movement of the two drive vehicle, and automatic operation along runway by testing black and white lines, avoiding obstacles, wireless operation and other functions. The quick and easy information exchanging among each functional template has to thank to the abundance of I/O of F5529. On mechanical structure, two front wheels of the mini car are replaced by a universal wheel, so as to improve its sensitivity by large margin. PWM is used to control motor and single chip microcomputer to make PWM wave, in order to control its speed. The car can stop and turn left to avoid obstacles because L298N driving chip drives circuit, three infrared ray on pipes is used to test black and white lines, and an ultrasonic template is chosen to realize ranging barrier function. With wireless operating template, movement of the mini car can reach real-time control. Besides finishing basic requirement of this curriculum project, some broadening functions can also be achieved based on reliable hardware design and better software algorithm. Key words: MSP430F5529 tracking wireless control ultrasonic wave ranging counterguard 目录 1 ………………………………………………………………3 2 设计目标…………………………………………………………… 3 团队组成与任务分工……………………………………………… 4 方案论证……………………………………………………………… 4.1 电机驱动模块………………………………


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