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压电/发电一体化温度传感器 摘要 近年来利用压电材料进行能量收集的研究越来越受到人们关注,究其原因主要在于:首先,压电材料是一种节能型环保材料,是依靠外界振动使其发生变形而发电的;其次,利用压电材料制作的压电发电装置结构简单,成本低,易于实现,可小型化。但利用压电发电装置发电存在每次动作时发电量有限的不足,从而制约了其在实际中的应用。从国外对压电材料的研究中发现,影响其发电能力的因素有很多,如何综合优化这些影响因素,进而提高压电发电装置每次动作时的发电量是需要进一步研究的问题。 压电发电的基础研究工作主要是从压电陶瓷材料的特性以及影响其发电能力因素等方面展开的,这些理论研究解决了压电陶瓷材料在实际应用中的理论问题,也为压电陶瓷材料在更广阔的范围应用打下了坚实基础。压电发电的研究在日本及欧美等国家开始比较早,而国内对压电发电的研究尚处于起步阶段。 本文着重研究压电发电温度传感器,在压电振子的分析中介绍了压电效应和压电材料。通过对压电振子的分析,采用了悬臂式支撑结构和冲击式激励方式组成了压电发电装置。通过对压电振子实验分析,研究对压电振子输出功率的影响的各种因素。并且用L44组成的整流桥和D475滤波电路组成控制电路来收集压电发电装置发出的电,并把电应用在温度传感器上,温度传感器采用PN节温度传感器。 关键词 压电振子;压电发电装置;温度传感器 Micro-Piezoelectric / Generator Integrated Temperature Sensor Abstract In recent years the use of piezoelectric materials for the study of energy harvesting is receiving increasing attention, the main reason is: First of all, the piezoelectric material is a kind of energy-saving environmentally friendly materials, is to rely on outsiders to deformation and vibration generation; followed by the use of piezoelectric materials piezoelectric power generation device structure is simple, low cost, easy to implement, may be smaller. But the use of piezoelectric power generation device for each action there is limited capacity and so on, thereby restricting its application in practice. From abroad on the piezoelectric material of the study found that the impact of its generating capacity by many factors, how to optimize these factors. Piezoelectric generation of basic research work is mainly from the characteristics of piezoelectric ceramic materials, as well as the impact of factors such as power-generating capacity of its aspects, these theoretical studies to solve the piezoelectric ceramic material in the practical application of theoretical issues, as well as piezoelectric ceramic materials in a broader scope of application to lay a solid foundation. Study of piezoelectric power generation in Japan and Europe and the United States and other countries started relatively early, while the


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