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毕业设计 计算机与工程电子信息工程 电信0 指导教师 曹东波 职 称 教 授 湖 南 商 学 院 20年 内容摘要 现代社会的发展对其称重技术提出了更高的要求。目前,台式电秤在商业贸易中的使用已相当普遍,但存在较大的局限性:体积大、成本高、需要交流电源供应、携带不便、应用场所受到制约。但是在工业测量中还没有让人们期待的电子秤出现。多年来,人们一直期待测量准确、价格低廉的在工业发展中起到巨大作用的电子秤投放市场。目前国际化的趋势是电子秤向小型化,模块化,集成化,智能化,其技术性能趋向于速率高,准确度高,稳定性,可靠性高等单片机;;ABSTRACT The development of the modern society has put forward higher request on weighing technology. The desk-top electronic scales have been widely used in commercial trade, but they have many shortcomings such as large volume, high cost, AC supply power and not easy to carry, so they are restricted in use. People have been expecting cheap portable electronic scales which can measure accurately and be carried conveniently for many years. New type of portable electronic scales can measure rapidly and accurately and communicate value. The International of electronic scales trend to the small, modular, integrated, intelligent, and its performance tend to rate high technology, high accuracy, high stability, high reliability, there are good prospects for development. AT89C51 is the handling chip of the hardware of this system. And the smart weighing system board consists of weighing detection sensors, magnifying adjustment circuit, A/D conversion module, the input and display module and so on. All of these are benefit to the automatic weighing system for finishing a variety of control functions. The software of application-chip implementation use the C language to realize all processing capabilities, including weighing function, display features, price and memory function, re-calculate function, timing features, it can be said that this design meet the application requirements to a large extent. KEY WORDS SCM; Electronic scale; Display; Weighing dete 目 录 第一章 绪 论 1 1.1 本设计研究的目的、现状和发展趋势 1 1.1.1 电子称重技术研究的目的 1 1.1.2 电子称重技术的现状 1 1.1.3 电子称重技术的发展趋势 2 1.2 本设计的主要内容 2 1.2.1 设计任务 2 1.2.2 设计要求 2 1.3 主要工作 3 第二章 系统总体设计 4 2.1 系统总体框图 4 2.2 主控制单片机的选择 4 2.3 信号调理模块的选择 5 2.4 A/D转换模块的选择 6 2.5 人机模块方


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