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思考题 什么是电力系统?什么是电力网?它们都有哪些设备组成? 电力网的额定电压时怎样规定的?电力系统各类元件的额定电压与电力网的额定电压有什么关系? 升压变压器和降压变压器的分接头是怎样规定的? 电能生产的主要特点是什么?对电力系统运行有哪些基本要求? 根据供电可靠性的要求,电力系统负荷可以分为哪几个等级?各级负荷有何特点? 电能质量的基本指标是什么? 电力系统为什么要互联并网运行呢? 1.采用高效率大容量机组—减少备用容量 最大单机容量 最大发电厂 2.合理利用动力资源—水、火电互补 3.提高供电可靠性—系统越大,抗干扰能力越强 4.提高运行的经济性—装高效率大容量机组、 合理利用动力资源、合理分配负荷、削峰填谷。 §1.1 电力系统的基本概念 巴西依泰普水电站 中国三峡电站 水电机组 火电机组 大亚湾核电站 秦山核电站 风力发电厂 太阳能发电——光伏发电 变压器 输电线路 500kV变电站 220kV变电站 我国最大单机容量 最大火电机组:1000 MW(浙江华能玉环电厂,上海外高桥第二发电厂900MW) 最大水电机组:700 MW(三峡电厂)(葛洲坝水电厂320 MW) 最大核电机组:1060MW(江苏田湾核电厂) §1.1 电力系统的基本概念 我国最大发电厂 最大火电厂:北仑港电厂,5×600 MW 最大水电厂:三峡电厂26×700 MW(二滩水电厂6×550 MW,溪洛渡水电站8×700MW ) 最大核电厂:秦山(300+2×600+2×700MW), (大亚湾2×90万KW,江苏田湾2×1060 MW,浙江三门、广东阳江2×1000MW) 最大抽水蓄能电厂:广东抽水蓄能电厂8×300 MW §1.1 电力系统的基本概念 * This is a sketch map for nationwide interconnection in 2010. The power deficits in NEPN will be mainly filled up by the Humeng’s thermal base. NEPN is to be connected with NCPN to obtain interconnection benefits. NCPN and NWPN will be probably interconnected along with the development of Sanxi thermal power base. In the same time, it will strengthen interconnection between NCPN, NWPN NEPN and Shangdong as well as ECPN and CCPN. Also, it will be possible that Northeast China power system will be imported electricity from Russia. The TGPG will make CCPN, ECPN, CYPG as well as NCPN interconnect. In future, TGPG will be interconnected with Southern China Interconnected Network to obtain trans valley compensation benefit. A ±500kV HVDC line is planned to be built in order to transmit thermal power from Shanxi to Sichuan. FJPN will be interconnected with ECPN to save reserve of generation. Shaanxi in NCPN will supply thermal power to SDPG. When all planned interconnection projects are completed, most of regional and provincial power grids will be interconnected and a nationwide interconnected grid will be basically established. This is a sketch map for nationwide interconnection in 2010. The power deficits in


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