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刮痧是中国传统的自然疗法之一,有上千年的历史。 它是以中医皮部理论为基础,用牛角、玉石等工具在皮肤相关部位刮拭,或者按压穴位。 以达到疏通经络、活血化瘀之目的。刮痧可以扩张毛细血管,增加汗腺分泌,促进血液循环. 刮痧,是用刮痧板蘸刮痧油反复刮动,摩擦患者某处皮肤,以治疗疾病的一种方法。 广泛应用在美容。面部美容 * 是指刮痧后皮肤表面会出现红、紫、黑斑或黑疱pao4的现象,亦即指“痧痕” * 通络刮痧疗法主要是增强局部血液循环,使局部组织温度升高。另外,在刮痧板直接刺激下,提高局部组织的痛阈。第三是通过刮痧板的作用使紧张或痉挛的肌肉得以舒展,从而消除疼痛。 从而达到扶正祛邪,防病治病的作用。 * Moxibustion Therapy Moxibustion is another method of treatment . It treats and prevents diseases by burning the moxa and using the heat and the effect of drug to warm the points and channels and to regulate Qi and blood . Cupping Indications : painful joints , muscles due to wind , cold ,damp ; sprains 扭伤 (stagnation of blood), facial paralysis , asthma , etc . scraping (Gua Sha) Guasha is a healing technique based on TCM, and it has been practiced for thousands of years. Guasha stimulates the flow of Qi blood within our channels systems and it is done through the use of a Guasha board pressing on the skin along channels. Gua means to scrape or rub. Sha means sand particle-like reddish patches on skin. Sha is the term used to describe blood in the subcutaneous【s?bkju:te?ni:?s]】 tissue before and after it is raised as a small red bump. The Sha bump should fade in 2- 4 days. Guasha can be used to prevent and treat diseases and strengthen the body. It is especially helpful for pain relief for head, neck, shoulder, joint and back pain, migraine【ma?,gre?n]】(偏头痛). It is also able to provide relief for various disorders caused by functional disharmony of the internal organs. Guasha also can be used for beauty. 针灸:针法和灸法的合称。针法是把毫针按一定穴位刺入患者体内,运用捻转与提插等针刺手法来治疗疾病。灸法是把燃烧着的艾绒按一定穴位熏灼皮肤,利用热的刺激来治疗疾病。如今人们生活中也经常用到。针灸由“针”和“灸”构成,是中医学的重要组成部分之一,其内容包括针灸理论、腧穴、针灸技术以及相关器具,在形成、应用和发展的过程中,具有鲜明的汉民族文化与地域特征,是基于汉民族文化和科学传统产生的宝贵遗产。 针法是用金属制成的针,刺入人体一定的穴位,运用手法,以调整营卫气血;灸法是用艾绒搓成艾条或艾炷,点燃以温灼穴位的皮肤表面,达到温通经脉、调和气血的目


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