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2004年12月Speech by a British High Official I arrive in China this week at a time when relations between our two countries have never been better. We are already cooperating more closely on more issues than ever before. Britains strongest bilateral relations 双边关系with China have always been based on trade贸易. However, as trade has intensified加强, other aspects of our relationship have also prospered. Over 5000 Chinese students are now studying in Britain. There are growing cultural links too. Britain has a lot to offer China. 42 of Europes top 100 companies are British. We are increasingly strong in the knowledge-based industries of the future. 英国可以为中国提供很多帮助(带来很多东西).欧洲百强公司中有42家在英国.我们在未来的知识型产业中日益强大. One third of Europes biotechnology companies are located in Britain. We have the worlds fifth largest electronics sector. 欧洲的生物技术公司中有三分之一位于英国.我们拥有世界第五大电子产业.Ten of the worlds 35 top-selling pharmaceuticals世界畅销制药 were researched and developed in the UK. And London is Europes major financial center wim mC greatest conccrkraiion o± oanKing expeiuse in mc worm. Upon these foundations I want to build a modern relationship with China. I want to consolidate a partnership which looks forward, not back. We can only tackle global problems if we work together. 在此基础上,我希望与中国建立一种现代的新型关系,巩固与中国的伙伴关系,这种关系放眼未来,而不是过去.我们只有携手合作,才能解决全球性问题.With one of the great economies of the 21st century, China will increasingly be called upon to share the responsibilities of international leadership. The need for cooperation has never been greater. 作为21世纪的世界经济大国之一,中国将越来越收到国际社会的召唤,在国际事务中分担领导责任.对合作的需要已经达到前所未有的程度.The agenda ranges from terrorism to nuclear proliferation, from international crime to global poverty; from climate change to drugs. We can only defeat these threats together. 我们的合作议程范围广泛:从反恐怖主义到反核武器扩散,从国际犯罪到全球性贫困,从气候变化到毒品问题.我们只有齐心协力才能战胜这些威胁. By tackling the challenges of the present together, China and Britain can forge a new partnership for the future.通过解决当前的挑战 中国和英国可以在未来建立一种新的伙伴关系I have come to Beijing t


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