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NEW ADDITIVES FOR WOOD COATINGS 用于木器涂料的新助剂 CERAFLOUR 988 Micronized Wax Additive with Excellent Dispersibility and Good Matting for Scratch Resistant Coatings 具有优异分散性能和在耐划伤涂料中具有良好消光性能的微粉化蜡 Matting with CERAFLOUR 988 用CERAFLOUR 988消光 CERAFLOUR 988: Grindometer Fineness [μm] CERAFLOUR 988: 细度 [μm] Satra Test Results of CERAFLOUR 988 CERAFLOUR 988 在Satra磨耗上的测试结果 Satra Test Results of CERAFLOUR 988 CERAFLOUR 988 在Satra磨耗上的测试结果 BYK-378 Silicone Surface Additive with Strong Slip Increase and Low Foam Stabilization 具有强烈增滑和低稳泡性能的有机硅表面助剂 BYK-378: Slip Increase in Solvent-Based Systems 在溶剂型体系中改善滑爽性 BYK-378: Anti-Cratering, Leveling Transparency in Solvent-Free UV Wood Coatings BYK-378:在无溶剂UV木器涂料中的抗缩孔,流平和透明性 BYK-093 Silicone Defoamer with Long Lasting Performance for Waterborne Coatings 用于水性涂料中具有长效性的有机硅消泡剂 Application Fields of BYK-093 BYK-093 的应用领域 Defoaming Properties of BYK-093 in Waterborne Parquet Lacquers BYK-093 在水性地板清漆中的消泡性能 Storage Stability of BYK-093 in a Waterborne 2p- PU/Acrylate Coating BYK-093 在双组分聚氨酯/丙烯酸水性涂料中的贮存稳定性 Waterborne 2p- PU/acrylate Coating after 4 Weeks Storage Time 在双组分聚氨酯/丙烯酸水性涂料中的经过4周贮存稳定性试验 本资料来源 更多资料请访问精品资料网() 孙林 BYK-CHEMIE 广州 CERAFLOUR 988 BYK-378 BYK-093 Project idea: “New Defoamer for Can Coatings” Micronized PE / amide wax alloy 微粉化聚乙烯/酰胺蜡合金 Homogenous particle size distribution 均匀的粒径分布 d10 1 μm d50 6 μm d90 13 μm Melting Point: 145°C 熔点: 145°C CERAFLOUR 988 Project idea: “New Defoamer for Can Coatings” Excellent dispersibility 优异的分散性 Incorporation under extremely low shear forces 可在极低的剪切力下加入 High scratch resistance 很高的抗划伤性能 Matting effect 消光效果 Chemical stability 耐化学性 High resin compatibility 与树脂的良好相容性 Universally applicable 应用广泛 Properties of CERAFLOUR 988 CERAFLOUR 988的特性 Project idea: “New Defoamer for Can Coatings” Wood and furniture coatings 木器和家具涂料 Plastic coatings 塑料涂料 Inks 油墨 General industrial coatings 一般工业涂料 Architectural / decorative coatings 建筑 / 装饰涂料 Ap


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