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要求学生观看推荐的电影,下次上课时可以请学生简单 谈谈看法. * * -ing, beaming, boring, frustrating, exhilarataing.. * -ing, beaming, boring, frustrating, exhilarataing.. * -ing, beaming, boring, frustrating, exhilarataing.. * -ing, beaming, boring, frustrating, exhilarataing.. * -ing, beaming, boring, frustrating, exhilarataing.. * * * * With first letters offered, words are needed. With only underline available, then phrases are needed * Past-Orientated cultures Past-Orientated cultures such as the British place much emphasis on tradition and are often perceived as resisting change. A statement one often hears in England when people ask about the monarchy is “we have always done it this way.” The Chinese, with their tradition of ancestor worships and strong pride in their culture’s persistence for thousands of years, are another culture that uses the past as a guide to how to live in the present. As a Chinese proverb advises, “ Consider the past and you will know the present.” Native Americans also value tradition and look to the past for guidance when confronting new situations. * Filipinos and Latin Americans are present orientated and emphasize living in the moment. These cultures tend to be more impulsive and spontaneous than others and have a casual ,relaxed lifestyle. Cultures with a strong Islamic tradition, because they believe that future events belong to Allah also tend to perceive the present as a place where past, present and future come together. They have little desire to chart events that they believe are out of their control. * .The third orientation, which puts great faith in the future, is the one most Americans have. As a people, Americans are constantly planning for the future. Many of them can hardly wait to finish what they are doing so that they can move on to something else. Having an eye to the future often produces a very low tolerance for extensions and postponements. What they want, they want now, so they can dispose of this momnet and move on to the next. * M


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