寝室个人用电计费系统 毕业设计论文.doc

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摘 要 目前大学寝室楼的电力收费依然停留在手工抄表记录的水平,效率低,错误多。为了能够公平,高效率的统计电费信息,远程、智能、快速、准确就成为了新的电量计费系统应该具有的特点。“寝室个人用电计费系统”正是为了满足以上要求而设计的。 “寝室个人用电计费系统”中使用现在流行的CAN总线做为本设计的总线系统,CAN总线使用SJAl000作为通信芯片。节点采用智能节点设计,本设计采用DDS362-G1(Ob型)单相电子式电能表,该电表是通过电压、电流采样,转化为电能计量脉冲,并通过微处理器使其具有计量、存储、显示、通讯等功能。采用ATMEL的AT89C51高效微控制器。CANRS-232串口通信,通过MAX232实现ELA-RS-232C与TTL/CMOS之间的电平转换。在CAN总线控制器与总线之间加光电耦合6N137加强抗干扰能力,拓扑方式采用目前流行并发展完善的总线型拓扑方式,系统有独立的“看门狗”设计,保证系统正常运行。 该系统工程周期短,安装费用低,可实现设备即插即拔,维护和管理容易。接入服务器的线路少,节省了布线费用和减小服务器占用的空间。无论从经济效益还是从实用方面都满足了学校的要求。 关键词:电量计费系统;CAN总线;电量数据采集;AT89C51 Abstract University dormitory floor, the current level of electricity charges still remain in the manual meter reading record levels, low efficiency, and more mistakes. In order to be able to fair, efficient electricity statistical information, remote, intelligent, quick, accurately has become a new electricity billing system should have features. Dormitory personal electricity billing system, is to meet the above requirements and design. Dormitory personal electricity billing system, that the use of the now popular as the CAN Bus system design. CAN SJAl000 use as a communications chip. Design smart node, which use DDS362-G1 (Ob-type) single-phase electronic energy meter information collection electricity. ATMEL AT89C51 using the micro-controller as the intelligent nodes micro CPU. CAN Adapter and PC communications using the RS-232 serial communications, ELA achieved through MAX232-RS-232C and TTL / CMOS between the level translators. CAN Bus Controller and Bus plus Opt coupler 6 N137 strengthen anti-jamming capabilities, Topology is used currently popular and well-developed bus topology, the system is the independent watchdog design, ensure the normal running. The short-cycle project, the installation of low-cost equipment can be pulling a plug, maintenance and management easier. Access server lines less, saving cabling costs and reduce the space occupied by the server. Both from the cost-effective or practical side have met the require


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