医用英语课件21th I4:A.ppt

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6.speak of显示,表明;值得一提 称不上是下雨,仅几滴而已。 No rain to speak of,only a few drops. 房中的一切显示了主人的优雅品味。 Everything in the room speaks of the graceful taste of its owner. 7.at(the)most/at the very most至多  我最多只能付10美元。 I can pay only $10 at the most. 修理你的汽车充其量花35美元。 The repairs to your car will cost $ 35 at the most. 8 .hear of 获知……的消息,听到·….·的消息 我从未听说过那地方。 我把旅馆所在的街道名称给了出租车司机,但他说他从没 听说过那名字。 区分相关短语:hear about听到某一消息;hear of 指“听到或知道某事物的情况”;hear from则指“收到某人来信”。 I’ve never heard of the place. I gave the taxi—driver the name of the street where the hotel was located,but he said he had never heard of it. 9.stand/be on one’s feet站起;(病后)恢复健康 部长立刻起立答复那项指控。 很高兴看到你复原了。 be on one’s feet有“站着”的意思。 10.with the help of在……帮助下 在他朋友的帮助下,他完成了那项工作。 The Minister was on his feet at once to answer the charge. It’s nice to see you standing on your feet again. He finished the work with the help of his friends. Words or Sentences for the Description of a Person’s Appearance  1 .外貌Appearance **He is handsome/ good-looking/ athletic/ muscular/ fat / overweight . **She’s pretty/ beautiful/ good-looking/ attractive/ plain(ordinary-looking)/ slim(苗条的)/ plump(丰满的)/ thin / skinny . **She/he’s tall / short / of medium height/ of average height. Hair She has short hair/ medium length hair/ long hair/ long wavy dark hair/ long and straight hair/ short and curly hair. Lots of hair: thick, full, lustrous(有光泽的) Little hair: thin, bald(秃头的), receding hairline (gradual loss of hair at the front of the head) ...a head of thick, lustrous, wavy brown hair. 一头浓密、富有光泽的褐色鬈发 Face He has got a baby face/round face/ square/an intelligent face. She has a slim/ plump/ oval/sensitive face.... a slight man with auburn hair and a freckled face. 一头红褐色头发、脸上长有雀斑的瘦小男子   His forehead is high/ broad/ rounded/ low/ flat/ narrow/ perfect. Her eyes are big/ bright/ dark/ warm/ attractive/ round/ slanted(斜眼的)/almond-shaped( 杏仁状的). (brown-ey


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