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滨州学院 毕业设计(论文) 题 目 基于PLC控制的汽车电气线路控制 系 (院) 自动化系 专 业 电气自动化技术 班 级 2006级2班 学生姓名 李洪蕾 学 号 2006090439 指导教师 刘瑞歌 职 称 讲师 基于plc控制的电梯升降系统毕业设计 摘要 电梯是高层建筑不可缺少的垂直方向的交通运输工具。由于传统的电梯运行逻辑控制系统采用的是继电器逻辑控制线路。采用这种控制线路,存在易出故障、维护不便、运行寿命较短、占用空间大等缺点。从技术发展来看,这种系统将逐渐被淘汰。 本文将可编程序控制器(PLC)应用于五层电梯进行逻辑控制,大大提高了电梯可靠性、可维护性以及灵活性,延长了使用寿命,同时缩短了电梯的开发周期。这种电梯控制系统较原有电梯控制系统可以更容易的完成更为复杂的控制任务,其许多功能是传统的继电器控制系统无法实现的。 该电梯控制系统具有司机运行和无司机运行即手动和自动的功能,并且具有指层、 厅召唤、选层、选向等功能。具有集选控制的特点。 关键词: 可编程控制器 选层选向 Abstract The elevator is a kind tool that is indispensability in the high-building perpendicular transportation. The traditional elevator adopt a relay-logical to control its circulation which the elevator become accident-proneness, short life-span,inconvenience in maintaining and this control circuit slso takes up big space,etc. See from the eyes of technique develoment,this kind of system will be gradually eliminated. This text applies programmmable logic controller to carry on the logic control in a five layer elevator,which raises the elevator’s reliability,maintainability and flexibility consumedly,prolongs the service life,and shortens the development period of the elevator at the same time.Competing to the troditional elevator,this kind of elevator can complete the more complicated mission more essily,and it can carry out many functions that troditional elevator control system can not. This elevator control system composes of a drive-movement control state and a non-drive-move control state,namely an auto function state and a manual function state.It still has some function,like indicating layer,invoking by hall,choosing layer and choosing direction etc.In addition,this system have a characteristics of congregate choose control. Keywords: Programmable controller Point the layer control The instruction inside of the bridge Choosing the layer and choosing the direction 目录 绪论·····························································4 第一章 电梯概述·························



