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摘要 现如今,随着社会的不断发展与进步,社会发展的需求标准也在不断的提高,对于影响社会发展的至关重要的因素—能源的要求,也就更加的苛刻了,所以能源节俭就成了当今社会人们面临的非常重要的问题。社会照明所占用的能源消耗在社会总能源消耗中的比例也是相当的一部分,由此可见能够很好的做好照明方面的能源节俭是特别重要的。LED光源作为新世纪科技的产物,将使得社会照明进入一个崭新的时代,同时也将解决能源消耗的问题。但是同传统的光源相比,LED光源也存在着一些还没有解决的问题,如应用价格与传统光源相比较高,其发光效率与传统光源也有一定的差距等,但是随着社会技术的不断进步,LED光源最终将会进入通用照明市场,其势必成为社会的主导光源,带领我们进入一个全新的照明时代。 LED光源的发光效率高,使用寿命长,因此其应用前景非常可观,但是比起其它光源,它的应用成本还是非常高的,要想在社会上得以普遍的应用还需要一定的时间。本文对目前LED光源的应用现状做了详细的介绍,而且就目前LED光源能否在社会上得到普遍应用做了分析。 LED作为新的、最有潜力的光源,越来越引起人们的重视。LED从早期仅仅作为一只普通的指示小灯,用在像电视机,录音机等家电上,到今天被广泛地用作户外显示、交通信号、汽车尾灯和景观照明,以及正在开始的路灯照明和大尺寸LCD背光光源,经历了差不多20-30年的时间,其发展之迅速是有目共睹的。本文将针对LED的近期发展状况进行简单的描述,重点将LED作为照明光源在价格、性能和性价比与传统光源进行对比,并对LED光源如何进入通用照明市场进行分析和阐述。 关键词:LED光源;光源特性;应用现状;应用问题 Abstract Nowadays, with the continuous development and progress of society, the demand of the social development standards are continually improved, factor is crucial to the influence of social development of the energy requirements, will be more demanding, so the energy saving has become people facing society today is not very important problem. Social lighting occupied by the energy consumption in the total social energy consumption ratio is an important part of, so can be very good to do lighting energy saving is particularly important. LED light source as a result of science and technology in the new century, will make the social lighting into a new era, but also solve the problem of energy consumption. But with the traditional light source, LED light source also has some unsolved problems, such as the application of price and the traditional sources are relatively high, there is a certain gap, the luminous efficiency and the traditional light source, but with the development of society and technology, LED light source will eventually enter the general lighting market, it is bound to become the dominant the light source of the society, to lead us into a new era of lighting. LED light source with high luminous efficiency, long service life, so its application prospect is ve


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