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湖南文理学院课程设计报告 课程名称: 单片机原理及应用课程设计 院 系: 电气与信息工程学院 专业班级: 自动化11102班(30位) 摘 要 超声波是一种特殊的声波,一般以直线传播方式,频率越低,绕射能力越强,发射能力越强,在非接触式测量中应用非常广泛。本文利用超声波进行距离测量,测量精度在毫米级别,适用于近距离测距,也可运用于汽车防撞。本系统以STC89C52为核心处理芯片,通过STC89C52产生40kHz频率信号,经74LS04推挽式将发射功率放大,再利用超声波换能器TCT40-16TTCT40-16R接收超声波,再利用红外线检波接收专用芯片CX20106将接收到的超声波信号处理,并连接STC89C52微处理器,同时引入温度测量芯片DS18B20对测量的距离进行温度补偿,提高测量精度,微处理器通过计算得到与障碍物的距离,将测得的距离通过JXD1602A液晶 Abstract Ultrasound is a special kind of sound waves, usually in a straight line, the lower the frequency, the diffraction is stronger, and launch capabilities, and is widely used in non-contact measurement. In this paper, ultrasonic distance measurement, the measurement accuracy in the millimeter level, applies to close-ranging, can also be applied to a car crash. This system STC89C52 core processing chip to produce 40kHz frequency signal STC89C52 by 74LS04 push-pull transmission power amplification, and then use the ultrasonic transducer TCT40-16T generated ultrasonic signal is sent, the receiving circuit receiving ultrasound by TCT40-16R, then the use of infrared detector to receive special chip CX20106 will be received by the ultrasonic signal processing, and connect STC89C52 microprocessor, while the introduction of chip DS18B20 temperature measurement of distance measurement with temperature compensation to improve measurement accuracy, microprocessor and obstacles by calculating thematter the distance, the distance measured by the JXD1602A liquid crystal display. Keywords STC89C52RC; push-pull; infrared detector; temperature compensation. 目 录 摘 要 I Abstract II 绪 论 1 第1章 超声波测速的原理 2 第2章 系统设计方案 3 第3章 各单元模块设计 4 3.1 单片机模块 4 3.2超声波发送模块 4 3.3超声波接收模块 5 3.4 温度检测模块 6 3.5显示模块 8 第4章 软件设计 10 4.1系统接口定义 10 4.2 主程序流程图 10 4.3 检测程序 10 4.4 温度读取子程序 11 4.5 液晶1602初始化子程序 12 4.6 显示子程序 12 4.7 初始化程序 13 第5章 超声波测距调试 15 5.1 硬件调试 15 5.2 软件调试 15 5.3 实验结果 16 5.4 误差分析 16 总 结 18 参考文献 19 致 谢 20 附录1原理图 21 附录2 实物图 22 附录3 源程序 23 绪 论 人类耳朵能听到的声波频率为20~20000赫兹。当物体的振动超过一定的频率,即高于人耳听阈上限时,人们便听不出


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