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课后答案及详解 1 Listen to the recording of the text and then fill in the following sentences. 1. aim/purpose; training; practical/professional skills; technical training; universities 2. graduate school; Shakespeare’s plays; be a pharmacist 3. making a living ; keep himself ; his family; expose; ideas 4. walking; average; a living; all about 5. in danger; mechanized savages; push-button Neanderthals 6. have left us; peculiar accomplishments; species 7. center; storehouse 8. sarcastic; humorous 2 Read the text for better comprehension and answer the questions. 1. The author is talking about irritating experiences, tough problems or failures as a college teacher. No, he isn’t. The word “disaster” here means “ a complete failure”. 2. No, it isn’t. It means that he has just graduated as a post-graduate student. As a college teacher, he or she must have an advanced degree like a PHD. 3. It simply means “ one of the students”. The word “ body” here means the whole group of students. The teacher refers to the student as a “ beanpole” because he is tall and thin, just like a beanpole. No, it isn’t. It is meant to be humorous rather than insulting. 4. He teaches English literature. 5. The student shows his dislike toward the course by using the word “stuff”. He doesn’t like the course because he thinks it useless for his planned career. 6. May he doesn’t think necessary to spend money on the book since he intends to drop the course. 7. It means the latter, “Although I was new to the faculty”. It is a humorous way of referring to a certain type of people. 8. He is talking about the difference between university education and vocational school training. No, there isn’t. It is usually called the pharmacy School. He wants to emphasize the difference between university education and vocational school training. He used a sarcastic tone. It means “技工” in Chinese. 9. He is talking about to the graduation certificate/diploma for university or college graduates



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