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Unit 6 Being There Anatole Paul Broyard Anatole Paul Broyard was born on July 16, 1920, in New Orleans to Paul Broyard and Edna Miller. Before serving in World War II as a troop transport officer, Broyard attended Brooklyn College, where he wrote short stories and articles to various magazines. Broyard was a literary critic for The New York Times for 15 years before becoming an editor of The New York Times Book Review. He retired in 1989 after being diagnosed with prostate cancer, which he succumbed to the following year. About Travel Travel is the movement of people between relatively distant geographical locations for any purpose and any duration, with or without any means of transport. Travel also includes relatively short stays between successive movements. Movements between locations requiring only a few minutes are not considered as travel. As an activity, travel also covers all the activities performed during a travel (movement). Travel is a wider concept than a trip. A round trip is a particular type of travel whereby a person moves from his/her usual residence to one or several distant locations and returns. A trip can also be part of a round trip. Travel is most commonly done for recreation or to visit friends and family (generally as part of tourism), for business or for commuting; but may be for numerous other reasons, such as health care, migration, fleeing war, etc. Travel may occur by walking or human-powered mode, or through mechanical vehicles, either as private or public transport. Travel may be local, regional, national (domestic) or international. In some countries, non-local internal travel may require an internal passport, while international travel typically requires a passport and visa. 世界十大旅游胜地(2005年) 香港——东方明珠就是不一样,无论是游乐、观景,还是购物、美食,香港都是一个无与伦比的选择。 澳门——有古色古香的传统庙宇,又有庄严肃穆的天主教堂,还有世界著名的娱乐场,澳门以中西文化融合的独特魅力和优越的地理位置。 法国——是欧洲浪漫的中心,它悠久历史、具有丰富文化内涵的名胜古迹及乡野风光吸引着世界各地的旅游者。 新加坡——汇聚了现代与传统的风格特色,融合东西文化之精粹。 泰国——美迷人


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