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马斯特里和特强直性脊柱炎附着点炎评分 界限证实有外在效度,与现有标准对比性能优良。 腰椎和颈椎的评价体系 正方形 Endorsement认可 强直性脊柱炎及其评分 0utline BASDAI BASFI BASMI BAS-G MASES ASDAS 改良Stoke强直性脊柱炎脊柱评分(mSASSS) 强直性脊柱炎生活质量问卷 (ASQoL) 强直性脊柱炎评价(ASAS) 毕氏疾病活动度评分(BASDAI) fatigue pain of the spine and hips pain or swelling of the peripheral joints localised tenderness as a proxy for enthesitis severity and duration of morning stiffness. The index consists of six “10-cm” horizontal VAS to measure severity of fatigue, spinal and peripheral joint pain, localized tenderness, and morning stiffness (both qualitative and quantitative) . BASDAI(过去的一周内) 1.您身体疲倦的总体程度: 2.您的颈部、背部或髋关节的整体疼痛程度: 3.除颈部、背部或髋关节外,您的其他关节疼痛或肿胀的整体程度: 4.您身体的触痛或压痛部位的整体不适程度 5.您起床时腰背部的整体僵硬程度: 6.从起床开始计算,您腰背部僵硬持续的时间: 0 h 0.5h 1h 1.5h 2h 0分 2.5分 5分 7.5分 10分 计算公式 0.2X(A+b+c+d+(E+F)/2) 评定标准:4分活动 强直性脊柱炎病情活动判断--BASDAI评价 A 过去1周你感受到的疲劳/困倦的总体程度 B 过去1周你感受到的颈痛、背痛和髋痛的总体程度 C 过去1周你感受到的其他关节疼痛/肿胀(不包括颈痛、背痛和髋痛)的总体程度 D 过去1周你感受到的因触痛导致不适的总体程度? E 过去1周你清醒后感受到的晨僵的总体程度? F 当你清醒后晨僵持续多长时间?请在下列标尺上标出 0 0.5h 1.0h 1.5h 2h 无=0; 0.5h=25; 1.0h=50; 1.5h=75; 2h=100 5项 Bath Ankylosing Spondylitis Functional Index(BASFI) This measure includes ten items which ask the respondents about their perception of their functional ability and how well they are able to function in everyday life. Subjects rate their functional ability from 0–10 on a VAS that best describes the current condition . The mean of the ten scales gives the BASFI score (range, 0–10cm). The SDD for the BASFI is 2.1 cm. BASFI 1.无需借助帮忙而能穿上袜子或紧身衣 2.能自己弯腰从地上拾起钢笔 3.无需借助帮助而能触及比自己高的地方 4.不用手支撑或借助帮助而能从无扶手的椅子上站起来 5.躺在地板上,无需他人帮助而能站起来 6.独立站立10分钟无不适感 7.不扶栏杆也不依靠工具而能爬12~15级楼梯(每步一梯级) 8.不转动躯干即能望向您的肩部 9.能进行体能活动,如物理训练、散步或其他体育运动 10.做家务活或上班,均能完成一整天的活动 取得分的均值 Bath强直性脊柱炎度量指数 BASMI BASMI A new scoring system for the Bath Ankylosing Spondylitis :Metrology Index. Bath Ankylosing Spondylitis Global Score (BAS-G) The purpose of this measure is to make a global assessment of the well-being of the p


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