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19 Chapter Contents Useful Words and Expressions bother: (烦扰) assertive: (确着无疑的) aggressive: (好攻击的) approach: (处理) defensive: (防御的) hostility: (敌意) Ranch Dressing: (朗奇沙拉酱) Thousand Island: (千岛沙拉酱) compensation: (补偿) Part One: Know-how for Tourism and Travel Make a Wise and Polite Complaint Based on the above passage, decide whether the following statements are true or false. Write T for true and F for false. 1._____Only when you complain with strong language will they pay attention to your problem. 2._____ People will be more cooperative if you complain in a polite and calm way. 3._____Besides being polite, it is also important to keep firm in your position. 4._____One fast way to solve your problem is to express your complaint as a request rather than a blame. 5._____When you are complaining, the service side has no right to speak how they feel. F T T T F Part Two: Be Attractive to Watch What you need. Act immediately. Identify your aims. What you expect. Allergies and dislikes. Contain your rage. Be assertive. . Polite behavior. Tipping. Outside help. Illness. Compliment. Brief information from the video Complaining about the bad service or food in a restaurant is full of difficulties. Done badly, it could ruin the meal, if the thing you are complaining about hasn’t already done so. The help at hand with this easy- to- follow-no-rich- necessary guide to complaining, that even British feel comfortable using. Step 1: you will need: a substandard meal, a slow or rude waiter, a little righteous indignation and a sprinkling of tact. Step 2: Act immediately. The key to successful complaining is to highlight the problem immediately, thereby giving the restaurant the opportunity to resolve the problem with minimum fuss- don't wait until you've eaten half of an inedible meal or for the bill to arrive to voice an objection. A Complaint in the Restaurant Step 3: Identify your aims. Think about what you hope to


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