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过程之间的相互关系 启动过程 计划过程 控制过程 执行过程 收尾过程 启动过程 计划过程 控制过程 执行过程 收尾过程 设计阶段 实施阶段 项目管理过程 运作、维护和配置 项目定义和筛选 交接 文档化 交接 文档化 通盘考虑,“瞻前顾后” 协调资源 人力资源管理 采购管理 沟通管理 基准计划 范围管理 时间管理 成本管理 质量管理 目标一致 综合管理 防患于未然 风险管理 PMI的PMBOK中的九大知识领域 单元总结 项目管理背景与发展 项目与项目管理的基本概念 项目管理基本要素 项目干系人管理 项目的组织结构 项目管理过程与项目生命期 项目管理9大知识领域 主要练习:项目定义与项目干系人管理 * * * * In the functional organization, the functions work independently. They perform 稳定的 processes, defined by historical precedent. Each function takes 稳定的 inputs, and produces 稳定的 intermediate products, and so on up the process chain until the last step produces 稳定的 outputs. The outputs are absorbed by a 稳定的 market, “You can have any colour you like so long as it’s black” * In the functional organization, the functions work independently. They perform 稳定的 processes, defined by historical precedent. Each function takes 稳定的 inputs, and produces 稳定的 intermediate products, and so on up the process chain until the last step produces 稳定的 outputs. The outputs are absorbed by a 稳定的 market, “You can have any colour you like so long as it’s black” * This is the PRINCE 2 process, which the product checked against client requirements at each stage transition. * * * This shows that we increase our understanding, developing the plan down through the levels as we progress though the stages. This is the staged plan mentioned on the Features slide, (the second in this session). Remember from the Fractal slide we need a plan for Feasibility, a plan for Design and a plan for Execution. This figure mainly refers to the plan for execution. We come back to this idea in Milestone Planning, Session 2.2, EMP06, last slide. * * Projects come in different types. One method of categorization is how well defined are the goals and the method of delivering the goals. Some projects have well defined goals, some not. Some have well defined work methods, some not. Some people say you only have a project when you have well defined goals.


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