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The Use of Transitional Words and Expressions in Writing I.?阅读下面短文,找出过渡词语: Modern technology has brought us, especially the young, some problems as well as a great convenience. We depend on technology too much. For example, we store telephone numbers in the cell phone, as a result, we can hardly remember even one number, which will make us suffer a poorer memory. Second, some of us play games on the Internet for a long time, which prevents us from enjoying a good sleep. Third, some students do their homework by copying others’ through the Internet. What’s worse, it will be difficult for us to communicate and get along with people in our daily life if the Internet becomes the only way of communicating. 点评 本步骤让学生阅读短文,找出过渡词,引出复习内容。复习内容通过短文引出,突出了过渡词使用的特点,并为下一步的练习做了铺垫。如果增加一个分析文中各关系词的逻辑关系的练习,就更加科学,与下一步的练习更连贯,起引出下一练习的作用。 点评 知识的归纳、梳理是知识复习的重点。能让学生进行归纳,检查后再呈现,而不是教师代替学生归纳,这是很好的。但学生归纳时间过短,教师呈现答案过快。可先投影学生的答案,并让学生补充,教师最后才呈现。另外,最好是让学生小组讨论完成,通过小组讨论的形式来完成,学生自己归纳的内容会更多,印象会更深刻,又能培养学生合作学习的习惯。教师归纳的内容太多,不常用的可不呈现,尽量是单词或短语即可,引导从句的词应不算过渡词,而是连词。 III. 阅读下面短文,找出过渡词语并分析其逻辑关系: The year, 2010 , is absolutely special to us Senior 3 students, because we are sitting for the National University Entrance Examination before long. Besides, the global financial crisis is continuing, resulting in the serious unemployment throughout the world. During the special time, we have to consider the university majors we are going to apply for, which are more or less influenced by the crisis. As a result, some questions always run in our minds. For example, how to apply for the major in the future? What kind of major can help us get rid of or avoid such crisis? However, it is almost three months away from the examination and application. Above everything else, nowadays we must devote ourselves to study, and try our best to become qualified students. Only in this way can we achieve our ideas and make great contributions to our society. IV. 选择下面适当的过



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