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南通航运职业技术学院 学生毕业设计(论文)报告 设计题目 “今日风采” 电子杂志制作 系部 管理信息系 专业 计算机多媒体技术 班级 多 媒3101 学生姓名 设计地点 江苏南通 完成日期 指导老师 摘 要 《Oggi》是一本专门为23-35岁的白领及欲成为白领的女性所设计的时尚刊物,以“塑造自我形象和提高生活品位”为主题制作了一个电子杂志,本电子杂志设计主要运用Photoshop,Flash,ZMaker等软件来完成。在互联网络高速发展的今天,电子杂志正成为学校、公司、企业、政府及团体进行形象展示、信息发布、业务拓展、客户服务、内部沟通的重要阵地。电子杂志,又称网络杂志、互动杂志。已经进入第三代,以flash为主要载体独立于网站存在。电子杂志是一种非常好的媒体表现形式,它兼具了平面与互联网两者的特点,且融入了图像,文字,声音、视频、游戏等相互动态结合来呈现给读者,此外,还有超链接、及时互动等网络元素,是一种很享受的阅读方式。电子杂志延展性强,已经逐渐可移植到PDA、MOBILE、MP4、PSP及TV(数字电视、机顶盒)等多种个人终端进行阅读。 关键词:Photoshop, zmaker, 电子杂,时尚 Abstract Oggi is a specialized for 23-35 year-old white-collar and white-collar women to become the fashion publications, “Self-image and improve the quality of life as the theme of making an electronic magazine, The electronic magazine design mainly uses the Photoshop, Flash, ZMaker and other software to complete. The rapid development of the Internet today, the electronic magazine is a school, company, enterprise, government and community plays an important role in image display, information release, business development, customer service, internal communication. Electronic magazine, also known as interactive magazine, network magazine. Has entered the third generation, with flash as the main carrier is independent of the site. The electronic magazine is a kind of very good media forms, It has the characteristics of the plane and the Internet both, and into the text, image, sound, video, games and other dynamic binding to the reader, in addition, there is a hyperlink, timely and interactive network elements, is a very enjoyable reading. Electronic magazine ductility, already gradually can be transplanted to PDA, MOBILE, MP4, PSP and TV (digital TV, set-top box) and a variety of personal terminal reading


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