高考英语 7.简单句、并列句、复合句专项复习精编.doc

高考英语 7.简单句、并列句、复合句专项复习精编.doc

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高考英语 7.简单句、并列句、复合句专项复习精编

第七部分.高考英语复习专练-简单、并列、复合从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。 1.I don’t suppose anyone will volunteer,__? A.do I?B.don’t I? C.will they? D.won’t they 2.__help if you can,and our country will improve more quickly and better. A.Giving?B.Give? C.Given? D.To give 3.— Lucy,you wash the dishes,__ ? — Mom,can’t Lily do it? It’s her turn to do it. A.don’t you?B.can you ?C.shall you? D.will you 4. — I will not take an umbrella with me today. —__it rains later on in the day? A.How?B.What? C.How about? D.What if 5.— You ought to stay up late tonight,__ you? — Yes.I’ve got too much homework. A.can’t?B.shouldn’t? C.mustn’t? D.won’t 6.Nothing can stop us from serving the people heart and soul,__? A.can it?B.can’t it? C.can they? D.can’t they 7.There used to be a church in the small town,__? A.used there?B.usedn’t there C.used it D.usedn’t it 8.— She isn’t your neighbour,?is she? —__. A.Yes,she isn’t B.No,she is C.Yes,she is? D.No,isn’t she 9. —__ to be a PLA soldier when I was young. — And now you are. A.How I wanted?B.How did I want C.What I wanted D.What did I want 10.Recently I bought an ancient Chinese vase,__was very reasonable. A.which price?B.the price of which C.its price? D.the price of that 11.After ten years,she changed a lot and looked different from__she used to be. A.that?B.whom ?C.what? D.who 12.__is known to everyone,the moon travels round the earth once every month. A.It?B.As ?C.That ?D.What 13.He’s got himself into a dangerous situation__he is likely to lose control over the plane. A.where ?B.which? C.while ?D.why 14.Information has been put forward__more middle school graduates will be admitted into universities. A.while? B.that? C.when? D.as 15.What the doctors really doubt is__my mother will recover from the serious disease soon. A.when? B.how? C.whether? D.what 16.The students of the music school study__. A.music but also some other sub


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