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摘要 莲子为药、食两用品种,近年来在医药、保健、食品等方面用量大增。在以莲子为原料加工干果制品时脱壳作业是一项十分重要的前处理工序。我国现在莲子的脱壳都是采用手工操作。劳动强度大。近年来,随着经济的发展和人们生活水平的提高,和对食品质量要求变高,以往的手工操作远不能满足现代水果加工的需求,研制一种新的脱壳机构是莲子加工业的前景所趋。 莲子脱壳机的一般工作过程为:莲子的喂入、定位、切削与脱壳、成品与下脚料的分别收集。由于莲子的外形并非规则形状. 因此在机械加工时,采用莲子的外形进行定位、夹持,不能保证莲子核的中心线刀具的中心线重合,定位会出现偏差,增加了莲子的破碎率和脱壳的不净率。通过对部分莲子品种的物理结构研究,设计导向机构定位方式,保证莲子喂入时的定位精度。 针对当前莲子脱壳机存在的问题,综合各类水果脱壳机优点,设计出了经济型的莲子脱壳机,主要包括:送料机构、输送机构、弹性支撑机构、刀具移动机构,各机构动作协调,脱壳率高,对实现我国脱壳自动化有深远的意义。 关键词:莲子、弹性支撑、自动化、脱壳机 ABSTRACT In recent years Lotus seed, in medicine, health care,as food consumption soar for medicine, food and varieties. In hawthorn as raw material processing beverages, canned and preserved fruit and dried fruit products to nuclear work is a very important pretreatment process. Our country now the hawthorn to nuclear were made by manual operation. General per person a day (8 h meter) processing hawthorn 50 ~ 60 kg, labor intensity. In recent years, with the development of economy and the improvement of peoples living standard and food quality asks to be high, in the past, the manual operation far cannot satisfy the demand of modern fruit processing, research and develop a new to nuclear agency is the prospect of hawthorn processing industry tend. Lotus seed sheller generally work process is: the lotus seed feeding, positioning, cutting and shelled, finished goods and scraps from the collected separately. Due to the shape of lotus seed is not rules shape. So the mechanical processing, positioning, clamping with the shape of a lotus seed, and cannot guarantee the center line of the lotus seed core cutter centerline overlap, positioning will appear deviation, increase the rate of the lotus seed broken shell and no net rate. Through the study on the part of the physical structure of lotus seed varieties, design guides positioning way, ensure the position precision when the lotus seed feeding. In view of the current problems of lotus seed sheller, and the comprehensive advantages of all kinds of fruit sheller, lotu



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