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本科毕业论文 粉煤灰改性设计及其在废水降解因素的研究 THE FLY ASH MODIFISD DESIGHN AND FACTORS IN DEGRADATION WASTEWATER 学院(部): 地球与环境学院 专业班级: 环境11-2班 学生姓名: 指导教师: 2015 年 5 月 10 日 粉煤灰改性设计及其在废水降解因素的研究 摘要 染料废水是比较常见的难降解的工业废水,进入环境中会对植物、土壤、水体等造成很严重的污染;而粉煤灰作为一种固体废弃物,可以作为废水处理原料,以达到以废治废、保护环境的目的。 近年来,光催化技术因其在水处理方面巨大的潜力已被各国学者广泛研究,但是,传统的光催化剂存在着可见光利用率低、难以回收等多种缺陷。针对这些缺陷,出现了许多新型改性光催化剂。本文利用粉煤灰漂珠作为负载载体,将AgCl负载到漂珠上,制得了一种新型光催化剂——Ag@AgCl/粉煤灰漂珠光催化剂,从而实现了对漂珠的改性。 文章首先综述了国内印染废水的研究现状,粉煤灰漂珠的国内外研究现状方法,接下来叙述了Ag@AgCl/粉煤灰漂珠光催化剂的制备方法,通过在可见光条件下降解罗丹明B模拟染料废水考察其催化特性,并探究了不同催化剂投加量、不同反应物浓度、不同pH对催化反应的影响,最后比较了不同条件下催化剂的催化性能。实验结果表明,当初始催化剂用量0.15g、pH=B浓度为2mg/L时,降解率出现最大值为89.75%。 关键词:粉煤灰漂珠,印染废水,THE FLY ASH MODIFISD DESIGHN AND FACTORS IN DEGRADATION WASTEWATER ABSTRACT Dye wastewater is a relatively common refractory industrial wastewater into the environment causing serious pollution on plants, soil, water and the like; and fly ash as a solid waste, waste water treatment can be used as raw material in order to achieve waste control waste and protect the environment. In recent years, photocatalytic technology in water treatment have been extensively studied because of its huge potential for scholars from various countries, but there is a tradition of visible light photocatalyst low utilization rate, difficult to recycle and other defects. In response to these shortcomings, there have been many new modified photocatalyst. In this paper, by Ash as a load carrier prepared a kind of light Catalyst --Ag @ AgCl / fly ash floating pearl catalyst, thus realizing a modified floating beads. Firstly, research status review of the domestic printing and dyeing wastewater by Ash current research approaches, the following describes the Ag @ AgCl / fly ash floating pearl preparation of the catalyst, by decrease in visible light conditions simulated solution of Rhodamine B Dye Wastewater examine its catalytic properties and explore the different catalyst amount, different reactant concentrations, the effect o


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