《Unit 07 销售促销》.ppt

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《Unit 07 销售促销》.ppt

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Unit 7 Sales Promotion 销售促销 7.1 Introduction(简介) 目的:掌握如何撰写一封有效的促销信函。 必须具有以下四个特征:吸引注意(Attention),激发兴趣(Interest),产生购买欲望(Desire)和导致购买行动(Action)。促销信函应以诱人的开头来吸引对方的注意力,然后,通过介绍产品或服务的特征(Feature)、优势(Advantage)和利益(Benefit)来引起对方的兴趣和欲望,并最终导致对方采取购买行为。 一般说来,在撰写促销信函时,应注意以下问题: (1)促销信函不可冗长,应以简短为上。 (2)在介绍产品或服务的特征、优势和利益时,语言要清楚、简洁,态度要诚恳,切勿使用夸大的言辞,避免给人以不实的感觉。 (3)促销信函的口吻要有亲切感,多使用敬称。 (4)要使对方明了能从你所推荐的产品或服务中受益。 (5)促销信函不仅在外观上要吸引人,而且信函一开头就要能引起读者的兴趣。 7.2 Writing Skills(写作技巧) 促销信函的写作步骤及常见表达方式: 写作步骤 表达方式 (1)介绍所促销的产品,使对方了解并对该产品产生兴趣 to be made of…(由……制成) to be moderate in price, superior in quality, excellent in craftsmanship, and novel in designs…(价格公道,质量上乘,工艺精湛,设计新颖……) to be beautiful in pattern, elegant in style, matching in colors and skillful in workmanship…(式样优美,款式典雅,色泽和谐,做工考究……) to be famous for…(以……著名) to be well-know for…(以……闻名) to sell well/fast…(销路很好) to meet with warm reception…(很受欢迎) to have/find/command a good/ready market/sale…(畅销) to be popular with customers…(受到顾客欢迎) (2)进行商品比较,体现本产品的优势,进一步激发对方的兴趣 to compare favorably with…(优于) to be 形容词比较级 than…(比……要……) a comparison will convince … of …(比较会使人相信……) to make a comparison of …. in respect to …(作有关……的比较) (3)给予对方一定的优惠条件,诱发对方的购买欲望 to give … the first chance…(给予……优先) to offer/ allow/ give/ grant … a… discount…(给……折扣) (4)表述对方 可以从中获益,引起对方最终 的购买行为 to advise you to avail yourselves of … in your own interest…(建议你方……为了自己的利益) to deem it to one’s advantage to do …(认为……对……很有利) to advise … to work fast…(劝……尽早做决定) to be acceptable to …(可以为……接受) 7.3 Specimen Letters(样函) Letter 1:Product promotion Dear Mr. Jones, As you may know, considerable interest was shown in our new product following its recent introduction into overseas markets. We believe you may be interested in personally evaluating its outstanding qualities, and have taken the liberty of (冒昧地做某事)forwarding under separate air shipment (另航空邮寄)directly to your attention. Customers who have ordered this h


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