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第 33 卷 第 20 期 电 网 技 术 Vol. 33 No. 20 2009 年 12 月 Power System Technology Dec. 2009 文章编号:1000-3673 (2009 )20-0088-06 中图分类号:TP18 ;TM77 文献标志码:A 学科代码:470·40 数据挖掘在电力系统暂态稳定评估中的应用综述 童晓阳,叶圣永 (西南交通大学电气工程学院,四川省 成都市 610031 ) A Survey on Application of Data Mining in Transient Stability Assessment of Power System TONG Xiao-yang,YE Sheng-yong (School of Electrical Engineering,Southwest Jiaotong University,Chengdu 610031,Sichuan Province,China ) ABSTRACT: Artificial intelligence and data mining possess 电力系统TSA 的重要目标是快速地评估系统运 obvious superiority in finding potential problems during online 行状态的稳定类型,筛选出各种威胁系统暂态稳定 and offline transient stability assessment (TSA) and improving 的严重故障,并能够为预防控制和紧急控制提供信 computational efficiency. In this paper, the progress of the 息。已有 TSA 方法主要分为 2 类:1)基于数学模 research on applying artificial intelligence and data mining to 型的方法,包括时域仿真法(或数值积分法)[1]、基于 TSA of power system in recent years is summarized. The Lyapunov 稳定判据的能量函数法(直接法)[1]、扩展等 research results of data preprocessing methods such as [2] [3] 面积法 、动态安全域法 等,其特点是计算准确, principal component analysis, genetic algorithm, rough set and information entropy concerning with the research on TSA and 不足是当系统规模很大时,在线计算量大、仿真时 the pattern recognition methods by neural network and support 间长、很难满足 TSA 在线评估的需求;2 )基于样 vector machine as well as visualization display are analyzed 本知识学习的数据挖掘的模式识别,包括人工神经 and compared in detail; the problems existing in these methods 网络(artificial neural networks,ANN) 、支持向量机 are pointed out, and the development trend of these methods in (support vector machine,SVM)等分类方法[4-39],其特 future is



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