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2009 27 389 * 张思多 鞠美庭 谢双蔚 刘晨星 于敬磊 ( , 30007 1) : 综述了以物理化学生物等多学科为理论基础的废旧电路板中贵重金属的回收技术 法及研究进展, 并从环境效 益经济可行性资源化效果及工业化前景等 面对各种技术进行了对比分析今后的研究将从彻底消除二次污染, 提高资 源化效果等 面对已有技术进行改进和完善, 也可将多种技术有机结合, 并向产业化的 向发展 : 电路板; 贵重金属; 回收利用 SUMMARY OF METHODS TO RECOVER HEAVY AND NOBLE METALS FROM WASTE CIRCUIT BOARD Zhang Siduo Ju M eiting X ie Shuangw ei L iu Chenx ing Y u J ing ei ( Co eg e o f Env iro nmenta Science and Eng ineering , N ankai U niver sity, T ianj in 30007 1, China) Abstract: It is summarized the r esear ch prog ress in the techno o gies to recov er the heav y and nob e meta s fro m w aste printed circuit boar d, w hich is theor et ica y based on phy sics, chemist ry, bio og y and ot her discip ines A comparat ive ana y sis of var iou s techno og ies on env iro nmenta benef its, economic f easibi ity , r ecy c ing eff ect , and indu str ia pro spects is a so achieved Improv ing ex isting methods in ter m s o f e iminating seco ndary po ution and enhancing the eff ect of r ecyc ing are impor tant Or ganica y integ rat ing and indu stria izing mu ti p e techno o gies ar e a so pro mising Keyw rds: pr inted cir cuit bo ard ; heavy and no b e meta s; recover y and use 0 , , ( pr int ed circuit board, P CB) , , NEC , , [ 1- 2] , F A PS , , SCA RA , , [ 1]



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