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第35 卷 第8 期 电 网 技 术 Vol. 35 No. 8 2011 年8 月 Power System Technology Aug. 2011 文章编号:1000-3673 (2011 )08-0109-05 中图分类号:TM 714 文献标志码:A 学科代码:470·4051 带耦合变压器的直流侧有源电力滤波器的仿真研究 侯世英,曾建兴,房勇,张诣,张闯 (输配电装备及系统安全与新技术国家重点实验室(重庆大学) ,重庆市 沙坪坝区 400044 ) Simulation Study on DC Side Series Active Power Filter Based on Coupling Transformer HOU Shiying, ZENG Jianxing, FANG Yong, ZHANG Yi, ZHANG Chuang (State Key Laboratory of Power Transmission Equipment System Security and New Technology (Chongqing University), Shapingba District, Chongqing 400044, China) ABSTRACT: A new DC side series active power filter (APF) APF ,但是并联型APF 对电压型谐波源的负载来说 in proposed, in which the APF is connected to main circuit (如电容滤波的整流器) 并不是一种理想的补偿装 via a coupling transformer, which acts as transformer and 置,这类负载更适合用串联型APF 来补偿[7-13] 。 reactor. Comparing with the APFs without transformer, the 文献[14]提出一种直流侧并联型 APF ,专门用 proposed APF can flexibly vary the output voltage in a wide 于整流负荷的谐波治理,将有源开关数量减少了一 range, thus the capacity of switching component can be fully utilized and the insulation isolation between the APF and 半,改善了补偿效果;文献[15-16]提出并研究了一 main circuit is implemented to prevent the interferences from 种单相直流侧串联型有源电力滤波器,该单相直流 power system directly come into the APF. Besides, the 侧串联型有源电力滤波器串联在单相整流桥的直 number of active switch is reduced by half than that in 流侧,主电路只有2 个开关管,结构简单,控制方 traditional AC side APFs, thus the circuit structure is 便;文献[17]对文献[15]提出的结构进行了改进,提 simplified and the cost is decreased. Results from



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