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10 October 2011 Recent National Land and Agricultural Policy in Japan C h i n a A g r i c u l t u r a l U n i v e r s i t y A d d Y o u r C o m p a n y S l o g a n Kazuhiko Takeuchi L/O/G/O Vice-Rector, United Nations University Professor, The University of Tokyo A Long Term Outloook on Japanese National Land From the 21st century, the trend from population boom has changed to population shrink A sudden aging of the population (shift towards accelerated aging society) At the peak in 2004, the population was 127,840,000, with a dependency ratio of 19.6% In 2050, it is predicted that the population will shrink to 95,150,000, with a dependency ratio of 39.6% In the rural fishing village region including the disaster areas population aging is already underway 2 City Planning in the Era of Depopulation  20th century was the era of urbanization while 21st century is the era of urban reorganization  Urban area created during the 20th century style urbanization may well produce non-performing urban assets with progressive depopulation  City planning for more compact city that centers on return to the city core and revitalization of green suburbs is needed  Conversion to more compact urban structure will help create compact Projected Population Reduction in Japan cities and low carbon society  This will indeed fit into ideal form of urban residence in aged society 3


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