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中国科技论文在线 # 中国土地政策与土地市场 武康平* (清华大学经济管理学院) 摘要:土地是国家最大的资源,是关系经济增长、城市化、粮食安全、社会和谐等的关键因 素,土地政策已经成为调控宏观的重要工具。如何才能利用好这一工具?这是迫切需要解决 的重大问题。本文从我国土地政策的演变和实践出发,结合土地的特殊属性,运用供求分析 方法,建立土地政策与土地市场理论,为有效利用土地政策来优化土地资源配置提供理论和 实践依据。本文发现,土地价格增长率与国民经济增长率基本一致,通过控制土地供应可以 达到调控土地市场的目的,但在防止土地价格飙升方面效果有限,政府应当充分发挥土地需 求政策的调控作用。 关键词: 土地政策;土地供给;土地需求 中图分类号:F061.6 Land Market and Policy in China Wu Kangping (School of Economics and Management, Tsinhua University) Abstract: Land is the most significant rescource in China,which plays a key role in the national economy and impacts on economic growth,urbanization, food safety and stability of the financial system. Land policy is an important tool of maroeconomic control. It has become a serious problem how to use land policy efficiently to control macroeconomy. This paper is designed to study the land market and policy in China. First, it is revealed how land policy of China varies in different periods since 1949. Next, a theory of land market is established based on the special attributes of land in China. Then, according to the land demand and supply, land policy and the role of government in land market are analylized. Finally, several policy suggestions are proposed to control and adjust the economy and real estate market. Key words: land policy; land suply; land demand 0 引言 建国之初的土地改革,使我国土地资源在当时环境下得到了充分、合理的利用。但随着 社会经济不断发展,我国人多地少的矛盾日益逐渐显现。尤其是改革开放以来,随着我国工 业化与现代化进程的加快以及城市经济的高速发展,土地供求矛盾日益突出。为了进一步有 效利用土地以适应经济发展的需要,2002-2004 年国家对土地使用制度进行重大改革,推出 “招、拍、挂”的土地有偿使用制度,并期望通过控制土地一级市场,发挥土地政


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