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第18 卷第4 期 管 理 科 学 Vol. 18 No. 4 2 0 0 5 年8 月 MANAGEMENT SCIENCES IN CHINA August ,2 0 0 5 ============================================= 董事会特征、高管薪酬 与薪绩敏感性 ———中国上市公司的经验分析 张必武,石金涛 上海交通大学 管理学院,上海 200030 摘要:以引入独立董事制度的2001 年为数据来源的窗口期,实证研究我国上市公司董事 会治理结构改革对高管薪酬水平及薪绩敏感性的影响。结果表明,独立董事在董事会中的比 例、薪酬委员会设置以及董事长与总经理二职兼任对高管薪酬水平有显著正影响。进一步的 分析还发现,独立董事制度建设与董事长总经理二职兼任均显著提高了薪绩敏感性,薪酬委 员会的设置对薪绩敏感性也有一定的影响。通过一系列公司治理改革可以有效抑制行为人 的机会主义倾向,提高上市公司高管薪绩敏感性。 关键词:董事会;独立董事;薪酬委员会;高管薪酬;薪绩敏感性 中图分类号: F276 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1672 - 0334 (2005 )04 - 0032 - 08 Board Characteristic ,Top Managers Compensation and Pay- performance Sensitivity in Chinese Listed Companies : An Empirical Analysis ZHANG Bi-wu ,SHI Jin-tao School of Management ,Shanghai Jiao Tong University ,Shanghai 200030 ,China Abstract :Using data on Chinese publicly listed companies gathered in 2001 when independent directors system was introduced,we examined the role of board control and remuneration committees in determining man- agement compensation. Board characteristic,measured in terms of the presence and proportion of independent directors on a board and the presence of remuneration committees and general manager duality ,had a positive and significant effect on the level of top management pay. An important conclusion was that top management pay and corporate performance are more aligned in companies with the presence of independent dire



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