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摘 要 仓单质押贷款融资业务是物流企业与金融企业合作的创新产物,是传统的储运业向现代物流发展的一项延伸业务。仓单质押业务的开展,成功的将物流、商流、信息流、资金流进行了融合,实现了贷款企业、银行、物流企业等经济参与者的共赢。因此仓单质押业务自开展以来,就获得了广泛的认可并迅速发展起来。 仓单质押作为一种物流金融产品,通过物流企业作为第三方担保人,有效地规避了金融风险,可以在相当长的一段时间里,解决我国信用体系不健全的问题。因此,对第三方物流企业来讲,要想在激烈的竞争中扩大业务渠道,增加生存空间,就必须能正确、有效地开展仓单质押业务。 本文主要从物流企业的角度出发,针对“物流企业如何开展仓单质押业务,扩大增值服务范围”这一主题进行了深入的研究和探讨。 关键字:仓单质押,业务模式,风险管理及优化,物流企业 Abstract Warehouse receipt pledge loan is the logistics enterprises with financial enterprise cooperation innovation product, and it is also an extension business of the traditional storage and transportation business to the modern logistics. Warehouse receipt pledge loan integrates business logistics, business flow, information flow and capital flow integration successfully. And it obtained rapid development because of the three square win-win. As a logistics financial product, warehouse receipt pledging avoids the financial risks effectively because of the logistics enterprises’ guarantee. So in quite long period of time, it is helpful to solve the current problem of unsound credit system. For the third party logistics enterprises, they must carry out the warehouse receipt pledge correctly and effectively in order to expand business channels and living space during the fierce competitive environment. But In the logistics enterprises in the development of warehouse receipt pledging process, the logistics enterprises should pay attention to the potential risks of warehouse receipt pledging, find out and solve the problems. In this process, logistics enterprises can make full use of the qualitative analysis and quantitative analysis methods to be used. This article mainly around “How logistics enterprises based on warehouse receipt pledge loan financing to expand the scope of value-added logistics services” this topic carried out in-depth study and discussion. Key words:arehouse receipt pledge loan,Business model,Risk management and optimization,Logistics enterprise 目 录 前 言 1 1仓单的内容简介 3 1.1仓单的概念及性质 3 1.2仓单的制式 3 1.3仓


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