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摘 要 摘 要 我国的刑事代理制度从无到有对于我国的刑事诉讼法来说是一次巨大的进步与突 破。刑事代理制度在我国是一项重要的制度。设置该制度的初衷就是为了保障刑事被害 人和其他诉讼参与人的合法权益。在过去的刑事诉讼法中,对被告人权利的维护受到较 多的重视。而如今,对被害人以及其他诉讼参与人的合法权益的保护则受到了越来越多 的关注。在刑事诉讼过程中,被害人和其他参与诉讼的当事人应当被赋予更加广泛的诉 讼权利。但是,任何制度都不是万能的。现有的刑事代理制度也有其自身的缺陷。我们 应改进现有的制度,以求使刑事代理制度得到进一步的发展完善。 本文通过对刑事代理制度的含义、类型以及理论基础的介绍,对我国刑事代理制度 的现状进行反思,分析出了我国刑事代理制度的缺陷及其产生的原因,进而提出了完善 现有刑事代理制度的设想。通过对刑事代理制度进行全面、客观的分析,最终寻求解决 问题的方法并及时作出相应改进,使该制度更好的为社会服务,使保障人权理念在该制 度中得到更充分的体现。 期冀我国的刑事代理制度能够得到进一步的完善,使该制度更加充分、有效的发挥 其作用,从而更好的维护各方当事人的合法权益。 关键词 刑事代理 刑事代理制度 合法权益 I Abstract Abstract The criminal procuration system, developing from scratch in China, is the great breakthrough and progress for China’s criminal procedure law. In our country, the criminal procuration system is an important system. It is designed to protect the legal rights and interests of the victim and other litigation participationers. In the former criminal procedure laws, protecting the rights of the defendants attract more attention. Nowadays protecting the legal rights of the victim and other litigation participationers attract more and more attention. The victim and other litigation participationers should be given enough procedure rights to protect themselves. But any system can not do everything. The criminal procuration system has its deficiency. We should improve the conditions which for the criminal procuration system developing. This paper analyzes the defects and its causes of the criminal procuration system by introducing the concept, types and theoretical foundation of the criminal procution system and reflecting on the criminal proc


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