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1·02 ·       史  学  月  刊             2005 年   第 5 期 ·社会史研究· 近代江南典当业的社会转型 杨  勇 ( 复旦大学 历史地理中心 ;上海 200433) [ 关键词] 典当 ;押店 ;道德 ;趋利化 [摘 要] 近代以来 ,江南典当业受战乱及社会经济环境等因素的影响 ,经营日渐困难。为谋求生存 ,典当 业试图提高利息、缩短当期以牟取商利 ,但其求利行为日益受到社会的道德批判和政府的制约。在“道德”与 “利益”之间,典当业难以平衡 ,终因社会经济环境变化而转向趋利化 ,与此同时 ,典当业的社会形象也日益恶 化。 [ 中图分类号] [ 文献标识码] [ 文章编号] ( ) K25 ; F8   A   2005 The Social Transition of the Pa wnshop in Jiangnan YAN G Yong ( ) Center f or Historical Geograp hic S t u dies , Fudan Universit y , S hanghai 200433 , China Key Words :pawnshop ;ya dian ;trade morality ;chase after profits Abstract : The pawnshop in Jiangnan has been confronted with much difficulty because of the choas caused by war and the deteriorating of social economic conditions since modern China. For striving for survival , the pawnshop trade had to re duce the expiration of pawn and increase the interest on pawn to get more profits. Their behavior was severely criticized by the socility and government. This trade got in a dilemma between the trade morality and the trade profit. At last , the pawnshop had to chase after profits more and more because of the deteriorating of social economic conditions. At the same time , the image of pawnshop in public got worsen increasingly. 义利兼顾转向趋利化 ,最后导致义利兼失。 一  引  言 《辞海》对典当的解释为: “典当,亦称‘当铺’ 典当业是中国传统时代与百姓生计关系密切 的一项行业 ,然而有关的学术研究却比较有限。 20 世纪 30 年代 ,鉴于当时典当业全国性的衰退 ,



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