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·85 ·       史  学  月  刊             2008 年   第 4 期 ·社会经济史研究· 论南宋江南地区市民阶层的社会形态 陈 国 灿 (浙江师范大学 城市史研究中心 ,浙江 金华 321004) [ 关键词] 南宋 ;市民阶层 ;社会结构 ;社会等级 ; 自主意识 [摘 要] 南宋时期 ,江南地区市民阶层全面兴起。除了不断壮大的工商业群体 ,为数不少的商业性文 化演艺人员和具有商业观念与城市意识的官吏、士人、地主、农民等也都成为市民阶层的重要组成部分。 他们之间的社会等级关系并不是身份性的 ,而是在贫富分化的基础上形成的 ,且随着财富状况的变化而处 于不断变动之中。同时 ,各种市民社会组织的涌现 ,表明市民阶层的自主意识不断增强 ,对城市和社会的 影响也越来越大。但南宋时期的市民阶层又有着明显的局限性 ,并没有成为主导城市发展的社会力量。 [ 中图分类号] K245 (5) ;C912. 8  [ 文献标识码] A  [ 文章编号](2008) On the Social Pattern of the Citizen Class in the South Song Dynasty in the South of the Yangtse River CH EN Guocan ( ) Cent re f or Cit y History S t udies , Zhej iang N ormal Universit y , J inhua 321004 , Zhej ing , China Keywords :South Song Dynasty ; citizen class ; social structure ; social strata ; independence consciousness Abstract :In South Song Dynasty ,the citizen class sprang completely up. In addition to more and more handicraftsman and businessman ,the citizen stratum also included a lot of mercantile culture performing staff ,and government officials , intellectuals ,landlords ,and peasants with commercialist and civic consciousness. The social grades of the citizen was based on their being poor or rich ,not on their identity ,and the poor or rich continuously changed their social positions when they gained or lost money. At the same time ,many social organizations of the citizen appeared ,which indicated the increase of independence consciousness ,and the citizen class played a more and more important part in the system of cit y and society. Bu



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