会展实用英语 教学课件 沈金辉 unit 6.pdfVIP

会展实用英语 教学课件 沈金辉 unit 6.pdf

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Unit 6 Scene service Fun start 1) It is a group practice. Please team up with your friend. 2) Now you are working at the on-scene information inquiry. Please service the coming attendee. 3) Discussion: Please discuss with your partner about your personal experience about event scene service ? Task one: Imagine that you are a staff member in charge of scene service of a conference. Now a Russian attendee comes to ask something about interpretation. Please help him to solve the problem. Z: Zoe S: Staff member Russian / ask about the Have on-scene interpretation conference interpretation (simultaneous interpretation) How many languages Name some languages Not good at those, need Try our best to handle this / Russian interpretation give a way to solve this Any extra fee problem …… Answer the question …… 你好,我是佐伊,来自俄罗斯。我的中文不是很好,请 问本次会议有安排翻译么? 你好。我们这次是国际会议,现场会有翻译。综合考虑 会议各方面协调,我们本次是采用同声传译。 哦,我知道了。请问有几个语种? 目前有5个语种,分别是英语、法语、德语、葡萄牙语 和阿拉伯语。请问您有其他需要么? 是的。我不太擅长这些语言,最好有俄语翻译。 我知道了,我会尽力帮您安排。但有个问题,我们的同 声翻译机是5声道的,你看为您找个现场翻译怎么样? 也好。但这会设计额外费用吧? 是会产生一定的费用。我请示下组委会,今天下午给您 回复好么? 好的。 Z: Hello. I am Zoe, from Russia. My Chinese is just survival. I am wondering if you have arranged interpretation for this conference. S: No worries. Since this conference is quite international, we have on-scene interpretation. Comprehensively considering all the aspects, this time we adopt simultaneous interpretation. Z: Oh, I see. How many languages have you got? S: Five by now, namely English, French, German, Portuguese, and Arabic. Do you need any other languages? Z: Yes, I am not good at those. I ’d better have Russian interpretation. S: I see. We will try our best to handle this. But here is a pr



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