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2009 1 33 CO 2 * 1, 2 1 1, 2 2 王振超 陈江平 陈洪祥 张曙光 ( 1 - 上海交通大学制冷与低温工程研究所, 上海 200240) ( 2 -西克制冷亚洲 限公司, 上海 200030) , CO2 , CO2 , CO2 , CO2 CO2 - ; ; Application of CO in refrigerat ion systems of large /med ium s ize supermarkets 2 * 1, 2 1 1, 2 2 W ang Zhenchao Chen J iangp ing Chen H ongx iang Zhang Shuguang 1 ( - Ins i u e o f Re frigera ion and Cryogen ics, Shanghai J iao T ong U niversi y, Shangha,i 200240) 2 ( - H ea craf Re frigera ion A sia Shanghai R ep. o ff ice, Shangha,i 2000 30) Ab stract In his paper, he refrigera ion requ irem en s in Large /M ed ium size superm arke s are presen ed and he app lica ion s a u s of re frigeran s in L arge /M edium size superm arke s refrigera ion sys em s is in roduced. A lso, he proper ies of CO2 are rev iew ed, and basic ypes of CO2 refrigera ion sys em s in L arge /M edium size superm arke s are summ arized and ana lyzed. B ased on li era ures, he app lica ion s a us o f CO2 refrigera ion sys em s in worldw ide superm arke s is summ arized. A lso he prospec o f CO2 in he refrigera ion sys em s o f L arge /M edium size superm arke s is d iscu ssed a he end o f his paper. Keywords CO2 - carbon diox ide, refrigera ion, superm arke 0 [ 1] [ 2] CO 130 , 2 , CO , , 2 , , , CO2 CO 2 [ 1] 1 , ,


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