Module 6 A trip to the zoo Unit 2(外研版七年级上册).ppt

Module 6 A trip to the zoo Unit 2(外研版七年级上册).ppt

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Module 6 A trip to the zoo Unit 2(外研版七年级上册)

The elephant _________ Africa and in Asia. This elephant lives _________. It _____ plants and ________ fruit, but it _______ meat. It ______water. There are ____1800 pandas in China and ____ zoos. The panda eats ____30____ bamboo ____, ________ plants and leaves. This ______ animal is __favourite of _________. The zebra is ____ animal. ___ the panda, its ____. It eats plants and _____, ____ grass, ___ the zebra ____eat bamboo. The tiger ______ Asia. Its a _____ animal and usually lives ____. It ____ water and is _______. Its ____ and _______ _______ animals ____food. Monkeys _____ Africa, Asia and America. There are _____ 200 ______ monkeys. Monkeys eat meat, leaves, fruit and ____ eggs! 大象生活在非洲和亚洲。这头大象生活在非洲。它吃植物、树叶、竹子和少量的水果,但是它不吃肉。它喜欢水。 中国只有约1800只熊猫,其中约有200只生活在动物园里。一只熊猫每天约吃30千克竹子,还有植物和树叶。这只黑白相间的动物是全世界人的最爱。 斑马是非洲的动物。像熊猫一样,它也是黑白相间的。它吃植物和树叶,还有草,不过斑马不吃竹子。 老虎生活在亚洲。它是一种非常大的动物,而且通常独自生活。它喜欢水,而且擅长游泳。它很强壮,捕食许多其他种类的动物为生。 猴子生活在非洲、亚洲和美洲。大约有200种猴子。猴子吃肉、树叶、水果,甚至还吃鸡蛋! I. It eats plants , leaves, bamboo and a little fruit, but it doesn’t eat meat. 它吃植物、叶子、竹子和少量的水果,但它不吃肉。 ① 我们喝点橙汁吧。 Let’s drink ____ ___ orange. ②那只小狗是大明的。 The____ dog is Daming’s. ③ 家里几乎没有事物。 There is ____ food in our home. as well as 作为习语用作介词时,as well as的涵义是“还有”、“不但…而且…”。值得注意的是,在A as well as B的结构里,语意的重点在 A,不在 B。 He can speak Spanish as well as English. 他不但会说英语,而且会讲西班牙语。 他不但会说西班牙语,而且会讲英语。 He as well as his friends ______ (like) going shopping. He as well as I _______(want) to go boating. Like 主要有两种用法: 一、 用作动词(v.),意思为\“爱,爱好,喜欢\”,无进行时态,既表示对\“人或者事物的真挚的感情\”,又表示\“对某事有着浓厚的兴趣、爱好\”。后面可以接名词、代词、动名词或者不定式。Like to do \ like doing 如: ① My younger brother likes strawberries very much. ② The boy likes washing hands in cold water. 二、 用作介词(prep.), like前边一般情况下要有be,翻译成\“像......\”。 如: The baby is like his mother. (= The baby looks like his mother.) My school is just like my home. look like (=look the same) 看起来像 如:Lily looks like Lucy. (=Lily and Lucy



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