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企业网站建站策略 学生:蔡 兴 指导老师:杨秋辉 摘 要 在互联网迅速发展壮大的时期,商业走进互联网的舞台,有远见的企业家都会毫不犹豫的建设自己的企业网站,但是,往往许多企业仅停留在“有网站”的阶段,他们并没有意识到一个界面粗糙、内容单一、流程混乱、安全性差的网站,实际上会给访问者留下了极差的感觉,严重破坏了企业的形象。 为了外界了解企业自身,树立良好企业形象并适当提供一定的服务,企业网站从策划、设计、建设到推广等的每个环节都是非常重要的。什么样的企业网站才算成功,使企业网站能真正成为企业宣传、管理、营销的有效工具?本文将论述企业网站建设的几点策略,它包括:企业网站建设的目标、定位、设计原则、企业网站的主要功能和网站的推广等。根据实际经验提出,企业网络营销的成功与否,在很大程度上取决于企业网站的规划、设计和建设的合理性,取决于对企业网站的宣传与营销运作力度,取决于对营销网站维护和管理的重视程度。 关键词:网站建设,组网策略,网上销售,营销网站 The strategies of website construction of the enterprises Student: Cai Xing Supervisor:Yang Qiu Hui Abstract In the period of the rapid development and expansion of the Internet, the business steps into the Internet arena. Those far-sighted enterpriser will not hesitate to build their own corporate website. However, many companies often stay on the standard that they only own a website. But they have no sense of owning websites with rough interface, boring content, chaotic process and poor security which actually give visitors extremely bad feelings and badly damage their images of the enterprises. In order to let the outside world understand their own enterprises, it’s very important to establish a good corporate image and provide certain services appropriately. What’s more, the process of planning, design, construction and promotion for each enterprise is very essential. What kind of business website can be said successful and truly become the tool of promotion, management and marketing for a company. This paper aims at discussing about some strategies of corporate website Construction, which includes: the goal of building corporate website, positioning, design principles, main function and promotion of the website. Based on actual experience, the success of enterprise network marketing depends mostly on the rationality of planning ,design and construction of corporate website, and the power of publicity and marketing operation of the corporate website ,and also depends on management attention of marketing website


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