Discourse Analysis2教材.pdf

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Discourse Analysis Lectures for the 4th year students Discourse Analysis  1: Introduction  2: Basic issues in DA  3: Texture (Halliday‘s Theory)  4: Texture (Beaugrande Dressler‘s Theory)  5: Cohesion and coherence  6: Thematic and information structure  7: Tense and Aspect  8: Discourse structure  9: Conversation analysis  10: Discourse and context  11: DA in application 1: Introduction-- A general understanding When?  Came into being since 1950s; as an independent discipline since 1970s. What to study?  Language units larger than sentences, including both written and spoken language. 1: Introduction — development of DA  1.Text Linguistics Text linguistics (or discourse linguistics) developed on the basis of syntax (句法学). So it is also called text grammar (篇章语法) or discourse analysis (语篇分析,话语分析). 1: Introduction — development of DA  2. Stages  (1) The Preparatory Stage (1950s): Harris  (2) The Developmental Stage (or The Emergence of Discourse Analysis As A New Discipline) (1970s) : Halliday  (3) The Matured Stage (1980s):G. Yule, T. Givon, S. Thompson, J. S. Petofi, W. Chafe, W. Mann, R. Longacre, etc. in America; G. Brown, Van Dijk, M. Coulthard, J. Sinclair, E. Ventola, etc. in western Europe; M. A. K. Halliday, R. Hasan, J. Martin, C, Matthiessen, etc. in Austalia; M. Bakhtin in Russia; 廖秋忠, 陈平, 胡壮 麟, 沈家煊, 顾曰国, 任绍曾, 申丹,黄国文, 张德禄, 朱永 生等。 1: Introduction —definition?  1. The Common-Sense Definitions  2. The Theoretical Definitions : formalist : discourse us a particular unit of language (above the sentence) functionalist : discourse is defined as a particular focus on language use. 1: Introduction —definition?  Formalist:Language above the sentence  Functionalist: Language use  Discourse: utterances 1: Introduction —characteristics  discourse must be grammatically correct and semantically coh


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