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·65 ·       史  学  月  刊             2007 年   第 12 期 国民军入甘及其对甘肃社会的影响 谷 跃 峰 (河南大学 历史文化学院 , 河南 开封 475001) [ 关键词] 国民军;甘肃 ;社会变迁 [ 摘 要] 冯玉祥的国民军 1925 年 10 月进入甘肃 ,驻军 5 年之久 ,对甘肃社会产生了深刻的影响。国 民军实行全省军政和财政统一 ,整顿吏治 ;宣传国民革命和新三民主义 ,使新思想和新思潮广泛传播 ;发展 经济 ,创办学校 ,促进甘肃文化教育事业的发展 ,使甘肃社会发生了前所未有的变迁。 [ 中图分类号] [ 文献标识码]  [ 文章编号] ( ) E296 ; K291. 42   A 2007 The National Army ’s Stationing in Gansu and Its Impact on Gansu Society Gu Yuefeng ( ) College of History and Cult ure , Henan Universit y , Kai f eng 475001 , Henan , Chi na Keywords :National Army ; Gansu ;social changes Abstract : The National Army led by Feng Yuxiang entered Gansu in October 1925. It made a profound impact on Gansu society during its six years of stationing there by putting efforts into unifying military administration and finance in the province , reordering governance and local officials ; extensively publicizing National Revolution and the NeoThree Principles of the People , disseminating new thought and trends of thought ; developing economy , exploiting Gansu ; es tablishing schools , prompting the advancement of culture and education in Gansu. Its contribution led to an unprece dented change in Gansu society by introducing new thought and trends of thought to the unenlightened and outlying province.   1925 年 ,段祺瑞政府任命冯玉祥为西北边 筹边使 ,率兵入甘 ,3 月 ,又令张广建为甘肃都督 防督办。8 月 , 段政府为把冯氏牵制在边远地 兼民政长。自此北洋军阀开始了对甘肃 12 年的 区 ,又任命冯兼任甘肃省督办。冯氏虽然接受了


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